Recruitment of faculty members (accepting applications)
- Department of Marine Electronics and Mechanical Engineering - Associate Professor or Assistant Professor (Application deadline: May 7, 5)
- Part-time lecturer (subjects: Management Accounting A and Management Accounting B) open call for applications (application deadline: March 7.3.31, XNUMX) [Completed]
- Part-time lecturer (Basic English I & II, Interactive English I & II) recruitment (application deadline 7/1.31/RXNUMX) [completed]
- Department of Marine Resources and Environmental Sciences - Open Call for Applications for Associate Professor or Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) (Application Deadline: November 6.11.7, XNUMX) [Completed]
- Public recruitment of assistant professor at the Ship and Marine Operations Center (application deadline: November 6.11.15, XNUMX) [Completed]
- Department of Marine Environmental Sciences - Open Call for Applications for Associate Professor or Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) (Application Deadline: October 6.10.31, XNUMX) [Completed]
- Recruitment of Assistant Professor in the Department of Marine Electronics and Mechanical Engineering (Application Deadline: October 6.10.31, XNUMX) [Completed]
- Department of Marine Resources and Energy Sciences - Open call for applications for professor or associate professor (application deadline: 6.9.30/XNUMX/RXNUMX) [Completed]
- Open call for applications for assistant professor in the Department of Maritime Systems Engineering (application deadline: September 6.9.30, XNUMX) [Completed]
- Regarding public recruitment for professor or associate professor in the Department of Maritime Systems Engineering (Application deadline R6.9.30) [Completed]
- Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology - Open call for applications for Professor or Associate Professor (Intellectual Property Management/International Affairs Division) at the Marine Research Strategic Management Organization (Deadline: July 6.7.31, XNUMX) [Completed]
- Regarding public recruitment for associate professor at Aquatic Reproductive Technology and Infectious Disease Control Research Institute (tentative name) (Application deadline: R6.4.30) [Completed]
- Regarding public recruitment for associate professor at Aquatic Reproductive Technology and Infectious Disease Control Research Institute (tentative name) (Application deadline: R6.4.30) [Completed]
- Department of Marine Environmental Sciences - Recruitment of Associate Professor or Assistant Professor (Application Deadline June 6.6.28, XNUMX) [Completed]
- Regarding recruitment of part-time lecturers (subjects "Calculus I", "Linear Algebra I", "Mathematics Exercises") (application deadline R6.2.22) [Completed]
- Regarding public recruitment for professor or associate professor in the Department of Maritime Systems Engineering (Application deadline R6.3.29) [Completed]
- Regarding public recruitment for Professor (Research Strategy Division) of the Organization for the Promotion of Industry-Academia-Regional Collaboration (application deadline R6.2.15) [Completed]
- Regarding public recruitment for Assistant Professor (term system) in Food Production Science Department (Application deadline: R5.11.20) [Completed]
- Public recruitment for Associate Professor or Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in Distribution Information Engineering Department Application deadline: R5.11.15 [Completed]
- Regarding public recruitment for associate professor or assistant professor (tenure track) in the Department of Ocean Policy and Culture Application deadline: R5.10.31 [Completed]
- Department of Marine Bioresources Public recruitment for assistant professor (fixed term) Application deadline R5.10.31 [Completed]
- Industry-Academia-Regional Collaboration Promotion Organization - Regarding public recruitment for Associate Professor or Assistant Professor (Industry-Academia Collaboration Promotion Division ② Industry-Academia Collaboration) (application deadline R5.10.02) [Completed]
- Organization for the Promotion of Industry-Academia-Regional Collaboration - Regarding public recruitment for professor or associate professor (Industry-Academia Collaboration Promotion Department ① Venture Support) (application deadline R5.10.02) [Completed]
- Regarding public recruitment for Professor (Research Strategy Division) of the Organization for the Promotion of Industry-Academia-Regional Collaboration (application deadline R5.10.02) [Completed]
- Regarding public recruitment for assistant professor (tenure track) in the Department of Marine Resources and Energy Science Application deadline: R5.09.29 [Completed]
- Regarding public recruitment for associate professor at the Institute of Aquatic Reproductive Technology Application deadline: R5.10.20 [Completed]
- Department of Marine Bioresources (Production Systems) Public recruitment for associate professor or assistant professor (tenure track) Application deadline R5.10.16 [Completed]
- Regarding public recruitment for Associate Professor or Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in Department of Marine Bioresources (Applied Phycology) Application deadline: R5.10.16 [Completed]
- Information Technology Center (Professor or Associate Professor) Application Deadline June 5.6.26, XNUMX [Done]
- Application Deadline July 5.07.31, XNUMX [Finished]