About Tokyo University of Marine Science and TechnologyEmployee Recruitment
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology formulated the Vision 4 Action Plan in 2040, and faculty and staff are working together to promote university reforms.We are looking for faculty members, ship staff, etc. who can be involved in university management with us.
Recruitment of Assistant Professor in the Department of Marine Electronics and Mechanical Engineering (Application Deadline: October 6.10.31, XNUMX) [Completed]
Recruiting personnel |
Assistant professor (tenure-track): XNUMX (full-time) (Tenure track system*applied, and the tenure track period is from recruitment to5However, depending on the results of the mid-term evaluation,5(In a short time, a student can become a full-time, untenured faculty member.) * The purpose of this system is to employ assistant professors (tenure track) on a fixed-term basis, promote education and research in a well-organized environment, and conduct fair and rigorous screening of their suitability as faculty members, with the aim of enabling them to obtain tenure (qualification as a full-time faculty member with no set term of appointment) as assistant professors or associate professors at the University. |
Affiliation |
Academic Research Faculty Division of Marine Electronics and Mechanical Engineering |
Area of ??education and research in charge |
At the undergraduate level, the Department of Marine Electronic and Mechanical Engineering is based on comprehensive engineering, including technology for operating marine equipment safely, with low environmental impact and high efficiency, and provides education and research on ship operation, mechanical and electronic control engineering technology, marine development, environmental energy engineering, etc. At the graduate level, the department leads research in marine science and technology, and also provides education and research to develop human resources with advanced professional skills and creativity. Within this, the faculty member selected for this open recruitment will be responsible for education on internal combustion engine engineering and training of engineers, as well as maintaining and managing large-scale experimental equipment. At the graduate level, the faculty member will also conduct research and education related to internal combustion engines. Examples of subjects to be covered and shared in this education and research field are as follows: [Faculty] [Graduate School Master's Course] |
Treatment etc. |
Tenure mid-term evaluation and tenure review |
Entry conditions |
Application deadline |
Applications must be postmarked by October 29 or later, or arrive at our university by October 31. When you send your application documents, please notify the contact point by email. |
Scheduled to be adopted |
Reiwa7Years4Month1Day |
Documents to be submitted |
* ((1) to (5) are the originals1Copy by document to the department6Submit a copy (1) Resume (A4size, format free, photo affixed) (2) List of research achievements (A4free format) (3) Reprints or copies of academic papers, commentaries, etc. (representative papers3within edition) (4) Summary of current work or research content (A4Judgment,2,000character) (5) Aspirations for education and research after arrival (A4Judgment,2,000character) (6) Name, affiliation, and contact information of a person who can provide references regarding the applicant (7) Self-addressed envelope for notification of receipt of submitted documents (fill in the address on a standard envelope and110affix a yen stamp) (8) Self-addressed envelope for notification of examination results (fill in the address on a standard envelope and110affix a yen stamp) |
Document submission destination |
Postal Code135-8533 Etchujima, Koto-ku, Tokyo2-1-6 Hitoshi Onuki, Head of the Department of Marine Electronics and Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology *Please write "Assistant Professor, Marine Electronics and Mechanical Engineering, Application documents enclosed" in red on the envelope and send by registered mail. * We will keep the confidentiality of the application strictly and will not use the application documents for any purpose other than the final selection.In principle, the submitted documents will not be returned and we will responsibly dispose of them after the selection is completed. |
Selection details |
Primary selection: Document selection Note: Travel expenses etc. incurred during interviews etc. conducted during the selection process will be borne by the candidate. |
Notification of selection results |
The results of the first selection process (document screening) will be announced by mid-November 2024. The results of the second selection process (interviews, etc.) will be notified by the end of December 2024. |
Contact |
Hitoshi Onuki, Head of the Department of Marine Electronics and Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Tel: 03-5245-7466 Email: ohnuki@kaiyodai.ac.jp |
Other |
Retirement age for full-time faculty members at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology63Years old (retired on the last day of the fiscal year when the relevant age is reached).At the request of the person, continue to be the longest2An annual re-employment system can be applied. Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology established the "Gender Equality Action Declaration" and promotes gender equality, including support for female researchers.We hope that women will actively apply for this open call. At Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, the Revised Health Promotion Law (Heisei30Year Law No.78No.) and the Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance on the Prevention of Passive Smoking, we are working to thoroughly prevent passive smoking, including prohibiting smoking on campus. At Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, as an organization to which all full-time faculty members belong,28Years2Month1A new “Academic Research Institute” was established on the same day.Faculty members belong to the Faculty of Science and are in charge of education, research, management, etc. at faculties, graduate schools, inter-university shared facilities, and specific business organizations. |
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