

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

About Tokyo University of Marine Science and TechnologyEmployee Recruitment

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology formulated the Vision 4 Action Plan in 2040, and faculty and staff are working together to promote university reforms.We are looking for faculty members, ship staff, etc. who can be involved in university management with us.

Public recruitment of assistant professor at the Ship and Marine Operations Center (application deadline: November 6.11.15, XNUMX) [Completed]

Faculty recruitment

Recruiting personnel

Assistant Professor 1 person (full-time) Term5May be reappointed once a year


Center For Marine Reserch and Operations

Area of ??education and research in charge

 The Ship and Marine Operations Center operates training ships owned by the university.(3 ships), Research vessel(1 ship)and training boats(1 boat)The Center provides support for safe and environmentally friendly ship operation, as well as education and research, such as experiments and practical training using ships. The instructors who will be employed at the Ship and Marine Operations Center will be responsible for ship management of the training ship, as well as education and research using the training ship and ship management.DXWe plan to have them conduct educational research on the topic of .

(graduate School)
 In the Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology, the master's program focuses on the marine industryAIYou will be responsible for teaching subjects related to the Graduate School of Professional Development Program.

 At the undergraduate level, students will be responsible for subjects necessary for training shipboard personnel, such as experimental exercises using training ships.

Treatment etc.

  • Salary and allowance: Annual salary system.Allowances are paid when certain requirements are met.
  • Insurance, etc. :Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Mutual Aid Association (Health Insurance, Welfare Pension), Employment Insurance, Industrial Accident Insurance
  • Working hours: Discretionary labor system applied (Deemed working hours:1Day7Time45minutes, weeks38Time45Minutes)
  • Days Off  : Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and other days designated by the president
  • Trial period : 6 months

Entry conditions

The following conditions must be met.

(1) Have work experience in the ship management industry.

(2) Having work experience in shipbuilding in the shipbuilding industry or experience working in docks as an engineer on an ocean-going ship.

(3) Hold a doctoral degree or be expected to obtain a doctoral degree.

(4) Actively participate in the management and operation of the university, as well as contributing to society.

(5) Hold a first-class small boat operator license.

Application deadline

11Month15Must arrive on Sunday (Friday)

Scheduled to be adopted

Reiwa 7/4/1

Documents to be submitted

below4, 5All other documents must be 6 copies (5 copies can be photocopied)

  1. Resume (please create a resume by referring to the items on a commercially available form (word processor is acceptable). However, please be sure to sign your name, attach a photo, and include your email address.)
  2. List of research achievements (A4Free version style)
    In addition to "Academic books", "Reviewed academic papers", and "Other", author names (all in the order listed in books, papers, etc.), paper names, publishers or collections, volume numbers, issue numbers, pages, Enter the date of publication
    *Only those that have been published at the time of application are eligible. Academic papers that have completed their review and have a certificate of acceptance may be included.
    *"Peer reviewed academic papers" includes full-paper peer-reviewed proceedings. If you are unsure of what to include, please contact us.

  3. Past work experience and future aspirations for education and research (respectively)A4 1500character)

  4. Reprints or copies of academic papers (up to three representative papers)
     *All academic papers will be required for the final selection process.

  5. Someone whose opinions can be used as a reference for recruitment1Name, affiliation, contact information, relationship with applicant

(1) You may be asked to submit a health certificate.
Please indicate the creation date on the submitted documents.

Document submission destination

Postal Code135-8533 Etchujima, Koto-ku, Tokyo2-1-6

Kiyokazu Minami, Director of the Ship and Marine Operations Center, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

*Please write "Application for Assistant Professor at Ship and Marine Operations Center enclosed" in red on the envelope and send by registered mail.

* We will keep the confidentiality of the application strictly and will not use the application documents for any purpose other than the final selection.In principle, the submitted documents will not be returned and we will responsibly dispose of them after the selection is completed.

Selection details

For the first selection, documents will be examined.

The second round of selection will involve an interview, including a presentation on work experience.

*Transportation expenses, etc. for conducting interviews, etc. in the selection process shall be borne by the applicant.

Notification of selection results

The results of the first selection process (document screening) will be announced by early December 2024.

The results of the second selection process (interviews, etc.) will be notified by the end of December 2024.


Kiyokazu Minami, Director of the Ship and Marine Operations Center, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Tel: 03-5245-7397

Email: minami@kaiyodai.ac.jp


 Retirement age for full-time faculty members at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology63Years old (retired on the last day of the fiscal year when the relevant age is reached).At the request of the person, continue to be the longest2An annual re-employment system can be applied.

 Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology established the "Gender Equality Action Declaration" and promotes gender equality, including support for female researchers.We hope that women will actively apply for this open call.

 At Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, the Revised Health Promotion Law (Heisei30Year Law No.78No.) and the Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance on the Prevention of Passive Smoking, we are working to thoroughly prevent passive smoking, including prohibiting smoking on campus.

 At Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, as an organization to which all full-time faculty members belong,28Years2Month1A new “Academic Research Institute” was established on the same day.Faculty members belong to the Faculty of Science and are in charge of education, research, management, etc. at faculties, graduate schools, inter-university shared facilities, and specific business organizations. 

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