

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

About Tokyo University of Marine Science and TechnologyEmployee Recruitment

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology formulated the Vision 4 Action Plan in 2040, and faculty and staff are working together to promote university reforms.We are looking for faculty members, ship staff, etc. who can be involved in university management with us.

Open call for applications for assistant professor in the Department of Maritime Systems Engineering (application deadline: September 6.9.30, XNUMX) [Completed]

Faculty recruitment

Recruiting personnel

Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) 1First name (full-time)

(Tenure track system*applied, and the tenure track period is from recruitment to5The year is 1990.)
The purpose of this system is to employ assistant professors (tenure track) on a fixed-term basis, promote education and research in a well-organized environment, conduct fair and rigorous screening of their suitability as faculty, and enable them to obtain tenure (qualification as a full-time faculty member with no set term of appointment) as assistant professor or associate professor at our university.


Academic Research Institute Maritime Systems Engineering Department

Area of ??education and research in charge

You will be responsible for education and research in fields related to the latest technologies, such as automation technology, which ensures the safety and efficiency of maritime transport while taking into consideration the conservation of the marine environment, as well as specialized subjects for training ship personnel.

(graduate School)
 The Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology offers a master's degree in Maritime Logistics and a doctoral degree in Applied Environmental Systems,AICourses related to the Professional Development Graduate School Program and special research guidance

 Practical training on short boats, ship experiments (Shioji Maru), maritime systems engineering experiments I-V, specialized subjects for training ship personnel, and graduation research guidance

Treatment etc.

  • Salary and allowance: According to the university staff salary regulations, etc. (annual salary system). Allowances will be paid if the prescribed requirements are met)
  • Insurance, etc. :Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Mutual Aid Association (Health Insurance, Welfare Pension), Employment Insurance, Industrial Accident Insurance
  • Working hours: Discretionary work system applies (deemed working hours: 1 hours 7 minutes per day, 45 hours 38 minutes per week)
  • Days Off  : Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and other days designated by the president
  • Trial period : 6 months

Tenure mid-term evaluation and tenure review
Tenure mid-term evaluation from the date of hire3Within a year from the date of tenure review5It will be implemented within a year.Depending on the results of the review, you may be hired as an assistant professor or associate professor without a fixed term.

Entry conditions

below(1),(2), (4)The following conditions must be satisfied:(3)It is desirable to satisfy the following.

(1)Possess a marine engineer's license (navigation) of class 3 or higher.

(2) Hold a doctoral degree in naval engineering or a related field.

(3) Have research achievements equivalent to the qualifications for supervising a master's degree program at a graduate school. (Peer-reviewed academic papers)10The standard is at least the same level. )

(4) Be proactive in managing and operating the university, as well as contributing to society.

Application deadline

Reiwa6Years9Month30Must arrive on Sunday (Monday)

Scheduled to be adopted


Documents to be submitted

All except (6) are in XNUMX copies (including6(Part of the document can be copied)

(1) Resume (Please fill out a resume on A4 paper using the items listed on a commercially available form (word processor is acceptable). However, please make sure to sign your name, attach a photo, and include your email address.)
 *You must provide an email address where you can be contacted for inquiries about your application and to be notified of the results of the screening. If you do not provide an email address, your application will be considered incomplete and will not be accepted.

(2) Marine license acquisition history (copy of marine license, etc.) and seafaring history (free format)

(3) A description of the research you have done so far and your future aspirations for education and research (respectively)A4Edition,1500character)

(4) List of research achievements (A4(Free edition and format)
  In addition to "Academic books", "Reviewed academic papers", and "Other", author names (all in the order listed in books, papers, etc.), paper names, publishers or collections, volume numbers, issue numbers, pages, Enter the date of publication
 *Limited to those published at the time of application. The academic paper has been reviewed and has a certificate of acceptance. can include things. In addition, proceedings that have been fully peer-reviewed (for which it is possible to present materials that confirm that the entire text has been peer-reviewed) can be added to academic papers.

(5) Reprints or copies of academic papers (representative copies)3(within the volume, copies allowed)
  *All academic papers will be required for the final selection process.

(6) Someone whose opinions will be helpful in hiring1Name, affiliation, contact information, relationship with applicant

You may be asked to submit a health certificate.
Please indicate the date of creation on the documents you submit.

Document submission destination

Postal Code135-8533 Etchujima, Koto-ku, Tokyo2-1-6

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Department of Maritime Systems Engineering, Tosanmitsu City

*Please write "Application documents for Maritime Systems Engineering Department Faculty (Ship Personnel Training)" in red on the envelope and send by registered mail or letter pack.

* We will keep the confidentiality of the application strictly and will not use the application documents for any purpose other than the final selection.In principle, the submitted documents will not be returned and we will responsibly dispose of them after the selection is completed.

Selection details

For the first selection, documents will be examined.

The second round of selection will involve an interview, including a presentation on the research content.

* Transportation expenses, etc. when conducting interviews, etc. for selection will be borne by you.

Notification of selection results

The result of the first selection (document review) is Reiwa6Years10We will notify you by the end of the month.

The result of the second selection (examination by interview, etc.) will be6Years12We will notify you by the end of the month.


Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Department of Maritime Systems Engineering, Tosanmitsu City


Email: suyama@kaiyodai.ac.jp


 Retirement age for full-time faculty members at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology63Years old (retired on the last day of the fiscal year when the relevant age is reached).At the request of the person, continue to be the longest2An annual re-employment system can be applied.

  Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology established the "Gender Equality Action Declaration" and promotes gender equality, including support for female researchers.We hope that women will actively apply for this open call.
*Efforts related to gender equality and support for female researchers areNET” (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Gender Equality Promotion Office/Female Researcher Support Organization homepage) /uminami/index.html  We are introducing it in. Please refer to it as appropriate.

  At Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, the Revised Health Promotion Law (Heisei30Year Law No.78No.) and the Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance on the Prevention of Passive Smoking, we are working to thoroughly prevent passive smoking, including prohibiting smoking on campus.

  On February 28, 2, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology newly established the "Faculty of Science" as an organization to which all full-time faculty members belong.Faculty members belong to the Faculty of Science and are in charge of education, research, management, etc. at faculties, graduate schools, inter-university shared facilities, and specific business organizations.

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