

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

About Tokyo University of Marine Science and TechnologyMessage from the president

GREETINGSGreetings from the President

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology formulated "Vision 4" in March 2022 as we enter the fourth medium-term target period as a national university corporation. In 3, the declining birthrate and aging population will reach its peak in Japan, and this coincides with the time when social change on a global scale, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and carbon neutrality, will be required."Vision 2040" indicates the direction in which the university should move toward such a future that is difficult for anyone to imagine. was formulated inIn the future, in order to steadily achieve "Vision 2040", we will follow the implementation plan "Roadmap" for each fiscal year and manage the progress in the university committees.

In order for you to gain a deeper understanding of our university, we would like to introduce some of our recent achievements below.

The OQEANOUS (Overseas Quality-assured Education in Asian Nations for Ocean University Students) program implemented in Japan, China, and South Korea as a project to strengthen the global expansion of universities received the highest S rating in the final evaluation by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In response to the acquisition, in November 2021, the “Highly Skilled Professional Training Program for Realizing Sustainable Ocean Development and Utilization -Oceanus Plus-” was adopted.Three ongoing special programs for priority placement of government-sponsored international students: “Human resource development program that contributes to the realization of sustainable carbon neutrality through collaboration with Asian Maritime Universities”, “Human resource development program for international fish and shellfish infectious disease prevention core base”, “Marine Together with the Industrial Innovator Development Program, it is being vigorously promoted as a project that supports the university's global education and research.

In addition, "Paradigm shift in marine research method leading to solving problems such as mass infection of ships due to corona disaster and slump in seafood prices" was selected as a 2021 National University Reform Enhancement Promotion Subsidy (National University Management Reform Promotion Project). it was done.Along with this, the Joint Use Equipment Center was integrated into the Industry-Academia-Regional Collaboration Promotion Organization, and an open facility system was introduced to promote the sharing of research facilities and equipment.

In addition, in the 2023 budget, the establishment (scheduled to be established in 2026) of the "Marine Research Strategy Management Organization (provisional name)" was approved as part of the reform of the education and research organization.We will organize and integrate the Industry-Academia-Regional Collaboration Promotion Organization and the Research Promotion Committee, etc., and build a university-wide organization that consistently manages our research as a control tower for creating new innovations in the marine field.

On the other hand, since educational and research facilities need to be maintained and managed in good condition at all times, we have compiled a medium- to long-term campus development guideline, "Campus Master Plan 2022."We will steadily promote development in line with this plan and strive to create an attractive campus as an innovation commons that opens up the future of the ocean.

In addition, the "Fisheries and Marine Innovation Consortium" (implementation period: 2014-2021), which was adopted as a "Science and Technology Human Resource Development Consortium Construction Project" by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and has been jointly implemented with Iwate University and Kitasato University. In the post-evaluation of XNUMX, we were highly evaluated for our efforts to develop “Innovation Officers (IOFs)” who support research in the field of fisheries and oceans.

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology will continue to efficiently utilize its two campuses, five stations, three training boats, and two training boats to promote cutting-edge marine science and technology (Marine Science and Technology). Technology), and develop strong human resources who open up the future of the ocean from a global perspective.

Reiwa 5/4/1
President of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Toshio Iseki

President of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Toshio Iseki

President profile

October 53 Graduated from Fukuoka Prefectural Shuyukan High School
June 59 Graduated from Department of Shipbuilding, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
June 61

Completed master's course in shipbuilding at the same graduate school of engineering

March 3

Withdrew from the doctoral course at the same graduate school of engineering, majoring in naval architecture

August of the first year

Doctor of Engineering (Kyushu University)

March 4 Lecturer, Faculty of Merchant Marine, Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine
June 2 Associate Professor, Department of Merchant Marine, Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine
June 15 Associate Professor, Faculty of Ocean Engineering, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
June 18 Professor, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Chief of Department of Maritime Logistics, Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology
(Until March 19, 3)
June 22 Chief, Department of Applied Environmental Systems, Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology
(Until March 23, 3)
June 22 Advisor to the President (until March 24, 3)
June 23 Director of the Marine Engineering Faculty of Marine Engineering
(Until March 26, 3)
June 24 Deputy Dean of Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology
(February 28, 2-Deputy Dean of the Graduate School, until March 1, 28)
June 28 Dean of the Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology
(until March 2, 3)
Reiwa 2/4 Director of Ocean Engineering Department (until March 3, 3)
Director of the University Library (until March 3, 3)
June 3 President of the university to the present

Vision 2040 Action Plan


Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, the only maritime university in Japan, cultivates human resources who will be responsible for tomorrow's maritime field through distinctive education and research that emphasizes practical learning. In October 2015, as we approached the 10rd mid-term goal period as a national university corporation, we formulated "Vision 3 - To open up the future of the ocean -", which defines the direction we are aiming for.After that, in order to respond to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2027rd Basic Plan on Ocean Policy, we announced "Vision 3 Version 2019" in 2027, and a concrete action plan for its steady implementation. (Action Plan) has been formulated, and the faculty and staff have worked together to advance the reform of the university.

On the other hand, global warming and the novel coronavirus disease have had a serious impact on the international community, and the 2040 problem of the declining birthrate and aging population is weighing heavily on Japan.Under these circumstances, I am currently wondering how the university will contribute to the future society after 2027, that is, after the end of the 4th Mid-term Objective Period, by deepening and developing the activities of the university. I had to think once.

Therefore, toward the future of 2040, which is difficult for anyone to imagine, the direction that the university should take is summarized as "Vision 2040", and the action plan has been formulated in the management planning office under the direct control of the president.In making it concrete, we intentionally included both long-term issues and urgent issues, so some have different completion times.Furthermore, considering the rapidly changing social situation in recent years, we believe that it is necessary to constantly evaluate the achievement status of each plan and to revise the vision as needed based on the results.

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology regards students, faculty and staff, alumni, related industries and local people as stakeholders.We recognize that this "Vision 2040" and action plan should be shared not only with our stakeholders, but also with everyone who has an interest in our university.We look forward to receiving your frank opinions.

Reiwa 4/6
Toshio Iseki, President of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Vision 2040 -Ocean and Beyond-

[Education field]

We guarantee high-quality education that enables students to feel the fruits of their learning through our creative and practical education programs. produce human resources.

【field of study】

In order to realize a sustainable society in harmony with nature, we will create innovations that make full use of advanced science and technology through close collaboration with ocean-related industries, and conduct research to promote their social implementation.

[Internationalization field]

We will build a global education and research network, create an environment suitable for co-creation with domestic and foreign stakeholders, and realize a hub for knowledge and human resources.

[Social/regional collaboration field]

Based on the realization of Society 5.0 and the shift to a knowledge-intensive society, we will lead the creation of regional co-creation bases in Japan and overseas, and contribute to social change and the development of the marine industry.

[Administration field]

Establish an advanced university governance system and systematically develop human resources for corporate management.In addition, we will secure various financial resources and establish a management model for sustainable growth of the university.As for faculty and staff, we will appoint a diverse range of human resources, and through appropriate training and performance evaluation, we will create a work environment where each person can fully demonstrate their abilities.

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Vision 2040 -Ocean and Beyond- Action Plan

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