NEWSSee All News
- 2024.03.29 International exchange / study abroad Those who want to study at university Current students Local / general people
- The OQEANOUS Plus program received the highest "S" rating in the interim evaluation of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "Project to Strengthen Universities' Global Expansion Capabilities."
- 2024.03.12 International exchange / study abroad
- Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Barbados visits our university
- 2024.03.11 International exchange / study abroad
- The Director of the Philippine Department of Science and Technology Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) and 3 others visited our university
- 2024.03.05 International exchange / study abroad Those who want to study at university
- OQEANOUS Plus program briefing sessions and faculty exchange sessions were held at University of Malaya (Malaysia) and IPB University (Indonesia)
- 2024.02.16 International exchange / study abroad Current students
- Accommodation for International Students (Deadline: March. 5(Tues)) /About recruiting accommodations for international students (deadline: Tuesday, March 2024, 3)
- 2024.02.05 International exchange / study abroad
- Students from Thailand's Prince of Songkla University High School visited our university.
- 2023.12.27 International exchange / study abroad
- The 2023 SEAFDEC-TUMSAT joint symposium was held
- 2023.12.27 International exchange / study abroad
- President Iseki attended the joint symposium of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology and Shanghai University of Marine Science and Technology
- 2023.12.27 International exchange / study abroad
- President Iseki visited Shanghai Maritime University
- 2023.12.27 International exchange / study abroad
- President Iseki paid a courtesy visit to the Consul General and Ambassador of Japan in Shanghai
- 2023.12.27 International exchange / study abroad
- President Iseki visited Japanese companies in Shanghai
- 2023.12.26 International exchange / study abroad
- Vice President of Guangdong Ocean University visited our university
- 2023.12.19 International exchange / study abroad
- Executive Director of Southeast Asia Fisheries Development Center visited our university
- 2023.12.18 International exchange / study abroad Current students
- Regarding the 2023 Spring “Crisis Management Seminar on Overseas Travel”
- 2023.12.13 International exchange / study abroad
- Dr. Raja Ali Haji, Dean of Maritime University, visits our university
- 2023.12.12 International exchange / study abroad
- Visited Pukyong University, etc. in Busan, South Korea
- 2023.12.11 International exchange / study abroad
- Executive Director of the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO) visits our university
- 2023.12.06 International exchange / study abroad
- Accepted foreign trainees under the project of the Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation (OFCF)
- 2023.12.01 International exchange / study abroad Current students
- [Summer 2024 (July-August)] Recruitment for JICA/University Collaboration "Overseas Cooperation Volunteers" Dispatch Project (St. Lucia) (Internal application deadline: December 7th (Monday) at noon)
- 2023.11.27 International exchange / study abroad
- A delegation from the Minister-Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Japan visits our university
- 2023.11.24 International exchange / study abroad
- 5 Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Exchange Support Project Report 2023 to Promote International Collaborative Research
- 2023.11.24 International exchange / study abroad
- 5 Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Exchange Support Project Report 2023 to Promote International Collaborative Research
- 2023.11.13 International exchange / study abroad
- The vice president of Hanoi University of Technology and his delegation visited our university.
- 2023.10.31 International exchange / study abroad
- 2023 people visited our university as part of the 11 JICA Pakistan Country Training Program