

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology


The OQEANOUS Plus program received the highest "S" rating in the interim evaluation of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "Project to Strengthen Universities' Global Expansion Capabilities."

International exchange / study abroad Those who want to study at university Current students Local / general people

Interim evaluation of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's ``Project to Strengthen Universities' Global Expansion Capability'' (Reiwa3(targeting projects selected for the fiscal year),
Our university is promotingOQEANOUS PlusThe program is said to be ``making excellent progress and is expected to achieve its project objectives.''
We received the highest rating of "S" on a five-point scale from S to D.
Received an S rating overall20Of the cases3subject(15%),
Category A (Type A project that continues from Campus Asia 2nd mode and implements exchange programs with quality assurance)13This includes our university.2It was a matter.

In this evaluation, the OQEANOUS Plus program
Japan, China and South Korea have different educational systems and academic calendars+ASEAN Among the seven universities of
Credit transfer guidelines with quality assurance “Credit Transfer System in East ASIA and ASEAN (CTSEAA)It is said that the establishment of ``is worthy of special mention,''
In establishing this, consideration was given to compliance with international standards for quality assurance of education such as the Bologna Process and the Washington Accord, which was also praised.
We received comments that the process of building this system will have a large ripple effect as it provides know-how for building new credit transfer systems with quality assurance with universities in Asian countries, Europe, America, etc.
In addition, regarding the preparation and implementation status of the environment for international educational exchange, the environment for sending and accepting students and the communication system between related universities are sufficiently developed.
Despite being affected by the coronavirus pandemic, we received high praise for steadily continuing student exchanges, including through the use of online methods. 

So farOQEANOUS PlusWe would like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who has worked hard to promote this program, and ask for your continued cooperation in this program.

We will continue toCTSEAAWe will promote international educational exchange with quality assurance based on the guidelines and promote the development of internationally highly specialized professionals in the marine field.

(connectionWebClick here for the site)

Individual evaluation of mid-term evaluation (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science website)
List of interim evaluation results (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science website)
OQEANOUS business website
OQEANOUS Plus agreement (student and credit transfer agreement) signing ceremony
7 university credit transfer system CTSEAA
Signed double degree agreement for master's degree program with Kasetsart University (Thailand)
4 programs: OEP, STP, IJP, DDP
OQEANOUS Plus council held in a face-to-face format for the first time after the coronavirus pandemic (17 online meetings)
OEP (Online Exchange Program) will be held in March 2023
Implemented “OQEANOUS Plus Program STP2023”