

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology


Our university's proposed project "METIS" has been selected for the 6 "Reiwa XNUMX" "Strengthening University's Global Reach Project - Supporting the Formation of Inter-University Exchanges with EU Countries and Other Countries"

International exchange / study abroad Those who want to study at university Current students Local / general people

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Reiwa6Our university's application project, "Japan-Northern Europe Collaborative International Education Program: Training Program for Advanced Specialists Creating the Future of the Oceans," was selected as part of the "University Global Expansion Project" in the fiscal year.Japan-Nordic Collaborative Program of Marine Education toward the Innovation and Sustainability (METIS)" was adopted.

Our university has previously conducted projects such as "Oceanus" by Japan, China and Korea,ASEANWe implemented "Oceanus Plus," which added these three countries, and have achieved results in high-quality student exchanges in Asia.METISWith the adoption of this initiative, we will be launching an international education program this year that continues the successes of the past and expands from Asia to Northern Europe.

At METIS, we6In cooperation with universities (University of Southern Denmark, Technical University of Denmark (both in Denmark), Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Arctic University of Norway, University of Stavanger, and Nord University (all in Norway)), we are offering a credit-transfer study abroad program for graduate students that effectively utilizes online learning and has quality assurance, as well as a research project-based program./We will provide a work experience internship program.

Through METIS, our university, together with universities in Denmark and Norway, will work to train highly specialized engineers who can play an active role on a global scale and who can improve and revitalize the marine industry and solve global-scale ocean issues.

Specific program participation details will be announced in due course.

Related Sites:

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology "Project to Strengthen University Global Expansion Capabilities"https://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/koutou/kaikaku/sekaitenkai/1413413_00037.htm

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science "Reinforcing the Global Expansion of Japanese Universities Project"https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-tenkairyoku/kekka.html