

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology


The 25th OQEANOUS Plus Conference was held

International exchange / study abroad Those who want to study at university Current students

 20248Month17On Saturday,OQEANOUS Plus(Oceanus Plus) The conference was held at Shanghai Ocean University in Shanghai, China.

 This council is an educational exchange program that guarantees the quality of education among Asian countries promoted by our university.OQEANOUS Plusprogram"(2021All consortiums participating in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)7It has been established as a forum for decision-making and information sharing among universities (YNU, Shanghai Ocean University (China), Korea Maritime University (Korea), Chulalongkorn University, Kasetsart University (Thailand), University of Malaya (Malaysia), Bogor Agricultural University (Indonesia)). Since the program began, it has been held online almost every month.1This was the first time in years that the event was held in a face-to-face hybrid format.

 Many of the participants from our university were unable to travel due to the effects of the typhoon and participated online, but the relevant faculty and staff from the consortium schools gathered in person to share the news that our university had received an S rating in the mid-term evaluation by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and to actively exchange opinions about the program's implementation status, challenges, and future developments.

 Based on the program's success stories, issues, and future initiatives shared at this council, we will continue to deepen our collaboration with consortium universities.OQEANOUS Plus We will continue to promote the program.

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                Conference group photo

【reference】OQEANOUS Plus program: https://www.g2.kaiyodai.ac.jp/oqeanous/