

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology


"OQEANOUS Plus Program STP2024" was implemented

International exchange / study abroad Those who want to study at university Current students

 20247Month23From Sunday (Tuesday)29Sun (Mon),8Month11Sun (Sun) ~17Through Saturday,OQEANOUS Plus(Oceanus Plus) programSTP(Short term program)2024Was carried out.

 OurSTPis an international practical education program in the marine field promoted by our university.OQEANOUS Plusprogram"(2021This hybrid summer program combines online lectures and field trips in the host country as part of the "International Marine Science and Technology Summer Program" (adopted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in 2019 as part of the "Reinforcing the Global Reach of Universities" project).2This time, the program will be hosted by Shanghai Ocean University in China, and will include participants from Japan, China, and Korea.ASEANconsortium of7out of university6total from university31A number of students participated. (Our university8Name, Shanghai Ocean University (China)4Name, Korea Maritime University (Korea)510 students from Kasetsart University (Thailand), 5 students from Chulalongkorn University1Name (Thailand), University of Malaya8Name (Malaysia).

 This year's program theme"Use of the oceans and marine resources for sustainable development" Based on7After learning about a variety of ocean-related specialized fields (such as food and nutrition, air and marine pollution, aquaculture, fisheries management, marine biological and mineral resources) from faculty members from all the consortium universities through online lectures in English for 3 days, students from each university traveled to Shanghai Ocean University in Shanghai, China, where they attended lectures by faculty members from Shanghai Ocean University's food and marine science majors, toured laboratories and conducted simple experiments, experienced Chinese culture, and visited a wastewater treatment facility and a dairy processing plant near the university.

 On the final day, a final presentation was held, and based on the experiences from the lectures and field trips, the participants were asked to give their final report, watched by faculty and staff from each university both on-site and online.6Each group, made up of university students, gave a presentation in English. Although they were all taking the same program, it seemed that they had different interests, resulting in a wide variety of presentations.

 OurSTPWe hope that the participating students will continue to have student exchanges that transcend borders and cultures, and that we will take this opportunity toOQEANOUS PlusOf the programIJP(International Collaborative Education Program)DDPWe hope that this will give you an opportunity to consider participating in long-term dispatch programs such as (joint degree program).

1-1_Icebreaking.png 1-2_Practical training at the Food Academy (made by Surimi).jpg

         Ice breaking session. Workshop at the Food Academy (made by Surimi)

1-3_Qigong experience②.jpg 1-4_Tour of water treatment facility.jpg

           Qigong experience Visit to a wastewater treatment facility

1-5_final_report.jpg 1-6_groupphoto.jpg

             Group photo at the final presentation

【reference】OQEANOUS Plus program: https://www.g2.kaiyodai.ac.jp/oqeanous/