

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Research / social collaboration

Conclusion of partnership agreement between Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology and Tennoz Canalside Revitalization Association (2019/12/19)

Concluded a partnership agreement between Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology and the Tennoz Canalside Revitalization Association

 12Month17Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology and the Tennoz Canalside Revitalization Association signed an agreement on cooperation with the aim of contributing to educational and cultural activities and the local community.
 The association aims to contribute to the development of creativity in society, the creation of a rich local community, and the creation of a new lifestyle and culture through the canal and waterfront landscapes and regional development centered around Higashi Shinagawa.2014(Heisei26), and conducts activities such as holding the "Tennoz Canal Festival" every four seasons in the Tennoz Canal area located south of the Shinagawa campus of the university.
 In addition to sponsoring and cooperating with the illumination of the registered tangible cultural property, Unyomaru, during the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) of this Tennozu Canal Festival, "Children's University" where teachers and honorary doctor Sakana-kun became lecturers,2016Annual “Umi to Nihon Project”2016Tennozu Canal SummerFesSince then, we have co-sponsored the annual Tennozu Canal Festival Summer.As a result, the university has contributed to the revitalization of the region and has provided opportunities for children and local residents in particular to learn about the contents of the university's education and research.
 Going forward, we will further promote collaboration and cooperation through local events and other activities with the aim of promoting education, culture, and sports, preserving the local environment, revitalizing communities, urban development, and human resource development.

[Signing ceremony]

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signing the agreement

President Miyake and President Takeuchi.jpg

President Miyake and President Takeuchi

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Group photo

[Tennozu Canal Festival]

Children's University (Summer 2019).JPG

Children's University (2019summer)

Unyomaru light up (2018 winter).jpg

Unyo Maru Illumination (2018winter)

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