

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Research / social collaboration

Conclusion of “Agreement on Industry-Academia Collaboration between National University Corporation Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology and Kesennuma Shinkin Bank” (2019/11/01)

Conclusion of “Agreement on Industry-Academia Collaboration Cooperation between National University Corporation Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology and Kesennuma Shinkin Bank”

 National University Corporation Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology and Kesennuma Shinkin Bank10Month31On Thursday, a signing ceremony was held for an agreement on cooperation between industry and academia.

【Signing ceremony】
Date: XNUMX10Month31Sun (Thursday)16 : 30
Venue: Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Shinagawa Campus Administration Building Board Meeting Room
Attendees: Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology President Toshiro Takeuchi (Contractor) and others3First name
    Kesennuma Shinkin Bank President Tsutomu Sugawara (Contractor) and others2First name

[Outline of Agreement]
Purpose: Targeting small and medium-sized enterprises in the Kesennuma Shinkin Bank business area, we aim to support technological development and technical education in the local community, as well as contribute to regional industrial development such as the creation of new businesses.
Contents:Joint research with private companies, commissioned research, etc.
    Technical consultation
    Lectures, seminars, tours, etc. related to science and technology information
    4Technology transfer for creation of new businesses such as university-launched ventures
    Other matters necessary to achieve the purpose

[Background of conclusion]
 Heisei era at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology24Years3Month20The "Sanriku Satellite" was established in Kesennuma City on the same day to serve as the point of contact for the Sanriku coastal area of ??the university and as a base for the activities of the university's researchers in the Sanriku area. We have been promoting education and research in line with the needs related to.
 Since the Great East Japan Earthquake, Kesennuma Shinkin Bank hasNPOs, Public Interest Incorporated Foundations, and a nationwide network of credit unions, we have continued to support not only the restoration but also the development of sales channels and the improvement of sales capabilities of local businesses.   
 In particular, the Kesennuma Shinkin Bank and the Tokyo Higashi Shinkin Bank are promoting the "Local Production for Local Consumption Project". We have been aiming to expand the distribution of marine products in the Tokyo metropolitan area, such as by holding events such as “I love fish!”
 Against this background, we concluded an agreement on industry-academia collaboration with the Kesennuma Shinkin Bank, and decided to further cooperate in supporting the resolution of issues faced by small and medium-sized enterprises in the Sanriku region.

[About future efforts]
 The signing of this agreement means that Kesennuma Shinkin Bank will delve into the issues of SMEs and link them to Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology. We believe that this will lead to powerful support for local businesses.
 Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology and Kesennuma Shinkin Bank will use this agreement as an opportunity to further strengthen the collaboration between industry, academia, government, and finance, and do everything in our power to develop the local economy.                                                                                                   

                                                                                                                         that's all

(Left) Mr. Sugawara, Chairman of the Kesennuma Shinkin Bank, Mr. Takeuchi, President of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology.jpg

(Left) Mr. Sugawara, Chairman of Kesennuma Shinkin Bank, Mr. Takeuchi, President of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

From the left, Kesennuma Shinkin Bank Executive Officer Fujimura, Executive Director Ide, and President Sugawara.jpg

From the left, Kesennuma Shinkin Bank Executive Officer Fujimura, Executive Director Ide, and Chairman Sugawara
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology President Takeuchi, Director Kurokawa, Vice President Horiuchi, Associate Professor Katsukawa


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