

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

About Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Announcement based on Article 22-6 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Educational Personnel License Act

Educational Personnel License Law Enforcement Regulation No.22The status of teacher training that should be made public based on Article 6 is as follows.

1.Matters related to teacher training goals and plans to achieve those goals (Enforcement Regulations No.22article6First1number related)

 -Philosophy and plans for teacher training.pdf

2.Matters related to the organization and number of teachers involved in teacher training, the degrees and achievements of each teacher, and the subjects each teacher is responsible for (Enforcement Regulations22article6First2number related)

 -List of classes and teachers in charge of teacher training.pdf

 -Number of teachers in charge of subjects related to teacher training.pdf

 -Number of staff

 -researcher information

3.Class subjects related to teacher training, class methods and contents for each class subject, and matters related to annual class plans (Regulations for Enforcement22article6First3number related)

 -List of classes and teachers in charge of teacher training.pdf

 -Educational license available

 -Academic schedule/timetable

 -Syllabus search

 ?Course guide (excerpt)

  Faculty of Marine Life Science.pdf

  Faculty of Ocean Engineering.pdf

  Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment.pdf

  Department of Marine Science.pdf

  Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology.pdf

Four.Matters related to the acquisition of teacher's licenses by graduates (Enforcement Regulations No.22article6First4number related)

 -Teacher's License Acquisition Status.pdf

Five.Matters related to employment status of graduates as teachers (Enforcement Regulations No.22article6First5number related)

 -Course status.pdf

6.Matters related to efforts to improve the quality of education related to teacher training (Enforcement Regulations No.22article6First6number related)

 -University-wide Education/FD Committee (outline of education-related committees, etc.).pdf

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