

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology


Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology is the highest S rating.Mid-term evaluation of the Project for Strengthening the Global Capacity of Universities (adopted in 28) adopted in 28

International exchange / study abroad

In the mid-term evaluation of the “University Global Expansion Project (adopted in 28)”, which was adopted in 28, our university was evaluated on a 25-point scale from S to C. It received the highest rating of "S", as it is expected. 4 out of 16 projects (9%) received an S rating overall, and 1 out of XNUMX projects in Category A-② (projects working on new Campus Asia), and only our university.

 In order to ensure the smooth dispatch and acceptance of students with quality assurance, the CTSEA guidelines, which are a unified standard credit transfer system formulated by a council of three universities, are operated and practically coordinated. , In addition to the summer program (STP: Short Term Program) and the international joint education program (IJP: International Joint Program), a high-quality double degree program (DDP) has also been constructed and implemented, and the student support system As a result of meticulous attention to detail by assigning a trilingual coordinator, the number of exchange students exceeded the initial plan, and was highly evaluated.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all those who have contributed to the promotion of our university's Global Expansion Project (OQEANOUS Project*), and ask for your continued cooperation in this project.

Click here for OQEANOUS business website

Click here for details of the interim evaluation (JSPS website)

* OQEANOUS = Abbreviation for Overseas Quality-assured Education in Asian Nations for Ocean University Students.Oceanus is a sea god in Greek mythology.

OQEANOUS official website