

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology


METIS (Nordic Study Abroad Program) Kick-off Online Research Symposium Held

International exchange / study abroad

 2025Years2Month12Day,METISAs a kickoff event for the project, we held an online research symposium.

 METIS is our Nordic partner institution.6In cooperation with universities (University of Southern Denmark, Technical University of Denmark, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Arctic University of Norway, University of Stavanger, and Nord University), we are offering study abroad programs and research project-based programs for graduate students with credit transfer and quality assurance that effectively utilize online learning./This is a business that provides work experience internships.2024Years9In April, the university was selected for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Global University Expansion Program.5This will be carried out for a year. (Project1Year2024Annual results: Internship placements (3Name), Acceptance (1given name),CTEXAcceptance by (2given name))

 In his opening remarks, Executive Director for International Affairs Masashi Maita expressed his gratitude to each university and his expectations for the event. Then, Associate Professor Naoki Kabeya (Marine Life and Environmental Resources Division) moderated the event.7From the University9The researchers gave an overview of the university and introduced the main research strategies of the university.4Sectors (1) Sustainable development of the fisheries industry,Marine energy and seabed resource development,Next-generation ship and navigation management technology,4The research was introduced based on the Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology (Marine Environment, Climate Change, and Ocean Observation). Gratitude for the success of the eventMETISThere was also a question and answer session between students from our university and researchers from Nordic universities.

 The presenters are as follows:

  1) Sustainable development of the fishing industry
   Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Associate Professor Naoki Kabeya
   Node University Mette S?rensen教授
   Norwegian University of Science and Technology J?rgen Lerfall教授

  ②Marine energy and seabed resource development
   Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Associate Professor Shun Nomura

  3) Next-generation ship and navigation management technology
   Technical University of Denmark Ulrik Dam NielsenAssociate professor
   The Arctic University of Norway Tae Eun KimAssociate professor

  4. Marine environment, climate change, and ocean observation
   University of Stavanger Mark Van der Giezen教授
   University of Southern Denmark Gary BantaProfessor, Associate Professor Kazumasa Oguri

 Approximately 100 students, faculty and staff from each university, including our university,60Participants:7The symposium touched on the overview and characteristics of each university, as well as the research environment and content.METISThis was a valuable opportunity to further strengthen collaboration between researchers.

For more information about the online research symposium kicking off on February 2th, please click here.

 ■METISThe kick-off event is3The following are also scheduled for this month:

3/18 Tue13At some point, we will hold a mini symposium on the "online intercultural active learning education" that the program is attempting.3From the Study3Researchers will give presentations on effective use of online intercultural active learning education.
METISEvent: Mini Symposium on Active Learning Teaching Methods in Online Classes
(fire)13Time ~17Time: @Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Shinagawa Campus, Reference Room of the Library

Click here for details about the March symposium.

2. Professor Nomura_Introduction to Marine University.png
Associate Professor Nomura giving a university introduction

6 UiS_ Prof. Giezen.png
University of Stavanger Mark Van der GiezenProfessor's research presentation

7 SDU_Prof. Gary Banta.png
University of Southern Denmark Gary BantaProfessor's introduction to the university

Photo of participating teachers.jpg
Executive Director Maita (top left), Dean Hyodo (middle left), and speakers