

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology


FY6 Report on Exchange Programs with Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology’s International Exchange Partner Universities

International exchange / study abroad

 In the "Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology International Exchange Partnership Program,"In order to strengthen ties with international exchange agreement institutions and promote the internationalization of our university, we support part of the expenses required to hold joint symposiums and other events with international exchange agreement institutions. This project was carried out through this project.

[Symposium name]

 The 14th Symposium on Food Science and Engineering with the Department of Food Science, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore

【the purpose】

 Research presentations, information exchange, and building an international network of researchers


 The Department of Food Production Science, Graduate School of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, has been co-hosting the Joint Symposium on Food Science and Technology with the Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore every year since 2008. This year, the symposium was held in collaboration with Kasetsart University and Hokkaido University at the Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University on November 2024th and 11st, 20. From our university, Associate Professor Ivan Rabe, Associate Professor Norimoto Takahashi, Associate Professor Mariaki Shibata, and 21 students participated. During the two-day symposium, 13 presentations were made in a variety of fields, including fisheries science, nutritional science, food engineering, and microbiology, and lively discussions were held. In addition, Associate Professor Labé gave a keynote speech on the subject of "Multiphysics analysis during the broiling process of whole fish application in foods", and student Yuzuki Nakamura (2rd year doctoral student in Food Function Integrity Science) won the Outstanding Oral Presentation Award for her paper "Enhancing the quality of greater amberjack muscle using liquid shio-koji", while student Erika Suzuki (46st year master's student in Food Function Integrity Science) won the Outstanding Poster Presentation Award. Finally, we would like to express our gratitude for the support provided by the "Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology International Exchange Partner University Exchange Program" for this symposium.

【Expected effect】

 Through this symposium, the students were able to gain experience in presenting on an international stage, and furthermore, they had the opportunity to broaden their horizons by interacting with researchers and students from world-class universities. In addition, it is expected that the excellent presentation awards won by students Nakamura and Suzuki will motivate them in their future research activities.

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Symposium participants