NEWSSee All News
- 2023.12.11 International exchange / study abroad
- Executive Director of the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO) visits our university
- 2023.12.08 Student life Current students
- [Important] On-campus TOEIC (IP) test on Saturday, May 2024, 1
- 2023.12.08 Undergraduate entrance exam Those who want to study at university
- We have announced the successful applicants for the comprehensive selection and school recommendation selection for the Faculty of Marine Life Sciences and the Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment for 2024.
- 2023.12.07 Undergraduate entrance exam Those who want to study at university
- Notice Regarding Special Entrance Examination for Privately Financed International Students in 6
- 2023.12.07 Undergraduate entrance exam Those who want to study at university
- Announcement about general selection in 6 (Raiwa 2024)
- 2023.12.07 Events Current students
- Notification of AY2023 Commencement Ceremony, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
- 2023.12.06 International exchange / study abroad
- Accepted foreign trainees under the project of the Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation (OFCF)
- 2023.12.05 Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology Companies / researchers Current students
- [Awards and Commendations] Ryoto Fujishima (1st year master's student) received the Young Presenter Award at the general meeting of the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "Climate Hotspot 2".
- 2023.12.05 Student life Current students
- The 2024 graduate school master's program (April admission) dormitory recruitment guidelines have been released.
- 2023.12.01 International exchange / study abroad Current students
- [Summer 2024 (July-August)] Recruitment for JICA/University Collaboration "Overseas Cooperation Volunteers" Dispatch Project (St. Lucia) (Internal application deadline: December 7th (Monday) at noon)
- 2023.12.01 Student life Current students
- Announcement of the results of the 2023 first semester class evaluation questionnaire
- 2023.12.01 News Companies / researchers Current students For graduates Local / general people
- Umitakamaru has set sail on its 72nd voyage.
- 2023.12.01 Events Companies / researchers Current students For graduates Local / general people
- [Held on 3/8] Announcement of the 5th Salad Symposium (Free, held at Shinagawa Campus)
- 2023.11.27 Events Companies / researchers Current students Local / general people
- The 2023st Ocean AI Public Seminar in 1 “Latest Case Studies of Ocean-wide Ocean x AI” was held
- 2023.11.27 Events Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers Current students For graduates Local / general people
- [Held on 12/10] 50 Marine College students will participate in the "Morikawa Umimachi Children's Summit 2023" (free, held at Shinagawa campus)
- 2023.11.27 School of Marine Technology Those who want to study at university Current students
- An interview article with students from the Department of Maritime Systems Engineering has been published (J-CREW Project)
- 2023.11.27 International exchange / study abroad
- A delegation from the Minister-Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Japan visits our university
- 2023.11.24 International exchange / study abroad
- 5 Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Exchange Support Project Report 2023 to Promote International Collaborative Research
- 2023.11.24 International exchange / study abroad
- 5 Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Exchange Support Project Report 2023 to Promote International Collaborative Research
- 2023.11.22 Student life Current students
- Regarding entry restrictions on Shinagawa campus and Etchujima campus due to the implementation of common university entrance test in XNUMX (Notice)
- 2023.11.21 Undergraduate entrance exam Those who want to study at university Current students
- An interview article with Professor Toshihide Kitakado, Associate Professor Ivan Rabe Velez, and Associate Professor Motoaki Morita has been published.
- 2023.11.20 Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers
- [Awards and Commendations] Professor Katsuyoshi Toda and others received the Best Paper Award at the 2023 IEEE Industrial Electronics and Application Conference.
- 2023.11.15 Student life Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers Current students For graduates Local / general people
- [11/16 Broadcast] The Umitaka Festival will be introduced on Fuji TV “Mezamashi XNUMX”
- 2023.11.15 Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers Current students
- [Awards and Commendations] Minori Oki (2nd year master's student), Chinatsu Mioka (2nd year master's student), and Rikuto Fujikata (1st year master's student) received the Excellent Paper Presenter Award at the 58th Geotechnical Engineering Research Conference. I received an award.
- 2023.11.15 Student life Current students
- [Important] On-campus TOEIC (IP) test on Saturday, May 2023, 12