

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology


On Friday, August 2024nd, 8, the Umitaka Maru Open to the Public was held at the Kesennuma Commercial Port Wharf!


On Friday, August 2024, 8, the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology training ship Umitaka Maru was opened to the public at the Kesennuma Commercial Port quay.

Fully decorated stern.JPG

Umitaka Maru is Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology's largest training ship and also conducts observation voyages to the Antarctic region.

This was the ship's first port of call at Kesennuma in six years, since 2018.

Upon arrival at portWe received a speech of thanks from Kesennuma City Mayor Shigeru Sugawara for the ship's arrival.

Mayor Sugawara is a graduate of our university and spoke about the valuable experiences he had while on board the ship as a student.

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Despite the scorching heat on the day it was open to the public, long lines formed and about 800 people from inside and outside the city, including families on summer vacation, visited Umitakamaru.

It was very impressive to see the participants not giving in to the heat and enjoying the tour of the inside of the Umitaka Maru, a ship that is not usually open to the public.




This time, 3 third-year students made a port call at Kesennuma during their on-board fishing training.

After arriving at port on Monday, August 8st, the group toured the Kesennuma Great East Japan Earthquake Relics and Memorial Museum, where they watched footage from the time of the disaster and received an explanation about the damage caused by the disaster.

Memorial Hall (Watching footage from the Great East Japan Earthquake).jpg

Explanation from the storyteller①.jpg

After that, we split into two groups.We visited Ishiwata Shoten Co., Ltd. and Mirai Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.

Ishiwata Shoten Co., Ltd. mainly processes shark fins and shark meat, and President Ishiwata gave us an explanation about the processing plant and the retort pressure heat sterilization machine.

Ishiwata Shoten Q&A (Fisheries Department, Mr. Sato).jpg

At Mirai Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., the participants had the opportunity to tour an ocean-going tuna fishing boat under construction and were given an explanation of steel cutting, etc.

Mirai Shipbuilding (deep-sea tuna fishing boat under construction).jpg

Mirai Shipbuilding (explanation regarding cutting steel materials, etc.).jpg

We visited Kesennuma Fish Market at 8am on Friday, August 2nd.

A large catch of bonito had been landed that day, and the students listened to an explanation from Mr. Saito, the head of the Kesennuma Fisheries Cooperative Association, a graduate of our university, as they gazed intently at the lively market scene in the early morning with great interest.

Bonito landing scene.JPG

After the tour of the market, President Toshio Iseki gave words of encouragement for the training, and the students were visibly motivated to tackle their training with determination.


On Friday, August 8nd, in conjunction with the public opening of the Umitaka Maru, a lecture by our university's visiting professor, Kitazato Hiroshi, entitled "The ultra-deep sea world opened up from Sanriku - Bathyscaphe, Ring of Fire 2 Japan Expedition, and what lies ahead" was held at the Kesennuma City Fisheries Promotion Center.

Approximately 60 people attended the event, and they listened with great interest to hot stories about the cold deep sea, such as what is happening in the deep ocean off the coast of Sanriku and what kind of creatures live there.


After the lecture, a ropework workshop was held at the same venue, with the instructor being the Chief Mate of Umitaka Maru, Mr. Aikawa. The participants tried out various knotting methods, such as the stopper knot, bowline knot, and square knot, in a practical format. Even the participants who found it difficult at first went to ask Mr. Aikawa himself and enjoyed the workshop.


On Saturday, August 8rd, the Umitaka Maru safely departed from Kesennuma.
Many of the 28 students on board this time were visiting Kesennuma for the first time, and they talked about their time there.I set sail with memories in my heart.

As the ship departed, many local residents shouted "Thank you," "Good luck," and "Come again!"He sent me many encouraging words.



For this public opening, we received cooperation from Kesennuma City Hall, Kesennuma Fisheries Cooperative Association, alumni of our university, and many other people.

We are very grateful. Thank you very much.