

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology


Report on the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Shinagawa Campus parent conference

Student life Current students Local / general people

 At Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology's Shinagawa Campus, a festival will be held in conjunction with the Umitaka Festival.2024Years11Month2On Saturday, the venue andWebWe held a parent-teacher meeting using a hybrid method that also included participation from other participants.

 The day was moderated by Miyamoto, Dean of the Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment, with Director of Education and International Affairs Maida speaking about the university's educational reform and internationalization efforts, and Dean Goto, Dean of Marine Life Sciences, speaking about ``Global Education'' and ``Global Education''.JABEECertification"2024Introduced in FY20154There was an explanation about the unique undergraduate education, such as "semester-based classes," as well as employment and student support initiatives.
 This was followed by a question and answer session, during which faculty members from each department answered questions submitted in advance and those asked at the venue.

 We would like to once again express our gratitude to all the parents and others who attended both in person and online.