

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

[Awards and Commendations] Professor Goro Yoshizaki has been awarded the Medal with Purple Ribbon in the spring of 2023.

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Goro Yoshizaki (Director, Research Institute for Aquatic Reproduction, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology / Professor, Division of Marine Bioresources, Faculty of Science)

 [Research achievements]
In the field of aquaculture, especially in the fields of fish developmental engineering and fish reproductive physiology, he made valuable contributions that were pioneering and highly original, and contributed to the development of fisheries scientific research in Japan.

[Professor Yoshizaki's comment]
 This time, I am honored to receive the Medal with Purple Ribbon in the Spring Medal of Honor.I1995In XNUMX, I was hired by this university, and since then I have consistently conducted research on the reproductive physiology and development of fish.in the process1998In XNUMX, I started developing techniques for manipulating reproductive cells, which is the subject of this year's award.Germ cells are extremely special cells that can undergo "maturation" to become eggs or sperm, and then to "fertilization" to become individuals.In other words, in fish farming and fish conservation, where the goal is to produce individual fish, manipulating these reproductive cells was thought to have infinite possibilities.after that4Over half a century, we have steadily nurtured the buds of that potential, and some of them have even blossomed.This is entirely due to the efforts of the students and staff in my laboratory.I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the many people I met during this long, long journey.I am also grateful to Professor Fumio Takashima, who inspired me to become a researcher, and Professor Toshiro Takeuchi and Professor Nobuaki Okamoto, who have been very helpful to me since I arrived at the university.Everyone Thank you very much.The journey of germ cell research continues.Encouraged by this award, I will continue to devote myself to further improvement, so I ask for your continued guidance and encouragement.


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(Successive laboratory members)
* Click the group photo to enlarge.

<Related links>
Institute for Reproductive Biotechnology for Aquatic Species
Protecting Fish with the Power of Science: Making a Fish Time Capsule