

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Shinagawa Etchujima CampusGraduate School of Marine Science and Technology

The Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology has a doctoral course divided into a master's course and a doctoral course, and trains independent highly specialized professionals who open up cutting-edge fields.Furthermore, in collaboration with the Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, and the National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology, we will further enhance education and research and improve the quality of graduate students. We are trying to

[Awards/Commendations] Mr. Seutaro Koremura (1st year master's student) received the Student Outstanding Presentation Award at the Sea and Earth Symposium 2023.

Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology Companies / researchers Current students

At the "Sea and Earth Symposium 2024" held at the Yayoi Campus of the University of Tokyo from March 3st to 1nd, 2, our university graduate student Seitaro Koremura received the Student Outstanding Presentation Award.

Seitaro Karemura (1st year master's course, Department of Marine Resources and Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology)

[Presentation title]
Elucidation of the biofilm-forming ability of marine bacteria isolated from the surface of cement-based materials and its functions??

【research content】
In recent years, active promotion of the development of seabed resources and the effective use of the seabed within exclusive economic zones has been advocated. It is necessary to develop methods for improving and maintaining the quality of water. In terrestrial environments, the use of microbial functions to maintain building materials has been explored, but little is known about whether they can also function in marine environments. In this presentation, we will focus on biofilm forming ability, which is one of the microbial functions, by isolating and culturing microorganisms from cement-based materials after immersing them in an actual marine environment, and investigating their biofilm forming ability. He also introduced research results on the effects of biofilms on cement materials in seawater environments.

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<Related links>
Sea and Earth Symposium