Shinagawa Etchujima Campus
Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology
The Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology has a doctoral course divided into a master's course and a doctoral course, and trains independent highly specialized professionals who open up cutting-edge fields.Furthermore, in collaboration with the Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, and the National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology, we will further enhance education and research and improve the quality of graduate students. We are trying to
School of Marine Life ScienceShinagawa Campus
- Department of Marine Biological Resources
- Department of Food Production Science
- Department of Ocean Policy and Culture
School of Marine TechnologyEtchujima Campus
- Undergraduate Course of Maritime Systems Engineering
- Undergraduate Course of Marine Electronics and Mechanical Engineering
- Undergraduate Course of Logistics and Information Engineering
Faculty of Marine Resources and EnvironmentShinagawa Campus
- Department of Marine Environmental Science
- Department of Marine Resources and Energy
[Awards and Commendations] Chikara Shiraishi (1st year master's student) received the Outstanding Presentation Award at the 2024 Ecological Engineering Society Annual Conference.
2024Years6Month29It was held at Ehime University Tarumi Campus from the 30st to the XNUMXth.2024At the annual meeting of the Society of Ecological Engineering, graduate student Chikara Shiraishi of our university won the Outstanding Presentation Award.
Chikara Shiraishi (Master's Program in Marine Life and Resource Science, Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology)1Year)
[Presentation title]
Yellowtail grouperEpinephelus malabaricusSea asparagus grown under different salinity conditions using wastewater from aquacultureSalicornia bigeloviiResearch on the cultivation of??
【research content】
In marine fish farming, water pollutants discharged into the breeding water have a significant impact on the natural hydrosphere, so their removal and effective use are key issues.
In this study, we used the amberjack grouper, a fish species targeted for marine aquaculture.Epinephelus malabaricusSea asparagus using wastewater discharged from a closed circulation fish farmSalicornia bigeloviiAs a result, it was found that sea asparagus can be grown sufficiently in wastewater from grouper breeding to which the missing elements were added.75%Seawater and100%It was found that it grows well in high-salinity environments such as seawater and absorbs water pollutants well.
This result represents new insight into material-recycling aquaculture, which simultaneously treats waste and cultivates plants in marine fish farming, and was highly praised by the judges.
<Related links>
Ecological Engineering Society Website