Shinagawa Etchujima Campus
Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology
The Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology has a doctoral course divided into a master's course and a doctoral course, and trains independent highly specialized professionals who open up cutting-edge fields.Furthermore, in collaboration with the Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, and the National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology, we will further enhance education and research and improve the quality of graduate students. We are trying to
School of Marine Life ScienceShinagawa Campus
- Department of Marine Biological Resources
- Department of Food Production Science
- Department of Ocean Policy and Culture
School of Marine TechnologyEtchujima Campus
- Undergraduate Course of Maritime Systems Engineering
- Undergraduate Course of Marine Electronics and Mechanical Engineering
- Undergraduate Course of Logistics and Information Engineering
Faculty of Marine Resources and EnvironmentShinagawa Campus
- Department of Marine Environmental Science
- Department of Marine Resources and Energy
[Awards and Commendations] Graduate students from our university received the Outstanding Oral Presentation Award and Outstanding Poster Presentation Award at the 24th Marine Biotechnology Society Conference
2024Years525Day and 26Held at the University of Tsukuba onThe 24th Annual Meeting of the Marine Biotechnology SocietyAt the symposium, Natsuko Moriya and Hiroki Yamakawa, both graduate students from the Yoshizaki Laboratory, received the Outstanding Oral Presentation Award and theExcellent Poster Presentation AwardWas awarded.
Natsuko Moriya (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology Doctoral Program 3Years)
Hiroki Yamakawa(Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology Doctoral Program 3Years)
[Title and content of award-winning research]
Natsuko Moriya
Title: Surrogate parent technique using rainbow trout induced to mature precociously by overexpressing the follicle-stimulating hormone gene - Can donor-derived sperm be obtained in six months? -
usually2We have succeeded in developing a technology to obtain sperm from rainbow trout, which mature in years, in just six months, making a significant contribution to dramatically accelerating breeding.
Hiroki Yamakawa
Title: Restoration of Miyakotanago derived from frozen germ cells using a heterologous host
In order to prevent the extinction of Miyako tanago, we have succeeded in producing morphologically and genetically pure Miyako tanago for the next generation by transplanting frozen Miyako tanago reproductive cells into surrogate parents.
From left: Mr. Moriya, Professor Yoshizaki, and Mr. Yamakawa
<Related links>
Marine Biotechnology Society Website