

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Shinagawa Etchujima CampusGraduate School of Marine Science and Technology

The Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology has a doctoral course divided into a master's course and a doctoral course, and trains independent highly specialized professionals who open up cutting-edge fields.Furthermore, in collaboration with the Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, and the National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology, we will further enhance education and research and improve the quality of graduate students. We are trying to

[Awards and Commendations] Sota Kawashima (1st year Master's student) and Naoo Yoshida (1st year Master's student) received the Outstanding Presentation Award at the 21st Kanto Geotechnical Engineering Research Conference (Geokanto2024).

Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology Companies / researchers Current students

The 2024st Kanto Geotechnical Research Conference held on November 11, 22At the Geokanto 2024 event,Sota Kawashima, a graduate student at our university,Mr. Naoo Yoshida won the Outstanding Presentation Award.

Sota Kawashima (1st year master's student, Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)
Hisao Yoshida (1st year master's course, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology)

[Title and content of award-winning research]
Sota Kawashima
title:A consideration on seabed disposal of tailings in the development of seabed mineral resources - Examination of the relationship between the size and density of tailings granules and bed load on the seabed -
As a method of disposal of tailings in the development of seabed mineral resources,To dispose of the ore economically and efficiently, a carrier material circulation system is being developed.They proposed a seabed landfill using a stem.Since the tailings are clayey, they are dewatered (densified) and granulated (Coarsening treatment is applied,It is necessary to transport the capsule to the bottom of the sea and leave it there for disposal.The particle size and size of the granulated material should be selected so that it will not be moved by the seabed sediment.The density and the size of the material had not been examined.Iwagaki's equation considering the balance of forces of a single grain of sand and the flow velocity in a rough closed pipeFrom the boundary layer equation of motion that describes the distribution,The relationship between flow velocity distribution and particle size was obtained. As a result, it was found that if the tailings were about ρt = 1.5 Mg/m3, the agglomerates could be made to be at least several mm in size and left to settle stably.It was revealed that
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Yoshida Hisao
Title: Effect of particle shape of glass particles on shear strength constant
When evaluating soil deformation, it is necessary to take into account the particle shape of the sample.In order to investigate the strength and deformation characteristics of crushed glass particles,Triaxial compression (consolidation and drainage) tests were carried out under conditions of relative density Dr=60-90% and effective confining pressure of 50-200 kN/m2.The shear resistance angle is 40 to 48 degrees.Compared to spherical glass beads, the adhesive strength is 5 to 15 degrees larger.The shear resistance angle was 30 kN/m2. The reason for the large shear resistance angle isThis was thought to be due to the angular particle shape.In addition, apparent adhesion occurs due to the interlocking of angular particles.Demonstrated,It is found that the shear resistance angle of crushed glass particles is highly dependent on the confining pressure.It was noticed.
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(From left in photo)Professor Kazuo Tani, Mr. Yoshida, Mr. Kawashima, and Associate Professor Shun Nomura

<Related links>
Japan Geotechnical Society
Geotechnical Society of Japan Kanto Branch
GeoKanto2023, Geotechnical Society of Japan Kanto Branch Presentation