

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

XNUMX Department of Marine Electronics and Mechanical Engineering Graduation Research Presentation Report

School of Marine Technology Those who want to study at university Current students For graduates

The graduation research presentation, which is part of the fourth-year compulsory subject "graduation research" in the Department of Marine Electronics and Mechanical Engineering, was held on December 4th, with 12 presentations divided into three venues. Starting this year, awards will be given to outstanding presentations at presentations, and there was a lively Q&A session at each presentation venue.
As a result of the review by the faculty, the following three people were awarded the Excellent Presentation Award.
Reiji Nitta “Evaluation of physical properties of biological samples using surface tension vibration of satellite droplets”
Wataru Yahiro “Development of highly sensitive melatonin biosensor based on antigen-antibody reaction”
Momoka Saito “Improving the accuracy of a radiative transfer model specific to the Venusian atmosphere”

Greetings from the department head

Award recipients and Professor Yoshioka, Head of the School of Education