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5?jRyosuke Yazawa, Tsubasa Kubokawa, Kensuke Ichida, Wataru Kawamura, Reoto Tani,Shigeharu Kamio, Tetsuro Morita, Goro Yoshizaki. Establishment of a tracing technique for transplanted bluefin tuna germ cells in recipient?fs gonads using monoclonal antibodies specifically recognizing bluefin tuna spermatogenic cells. Fisheries Science 87, 105-112 (2020).
6?jYoshiyuki Matsushita, Kaho Miyoshi, Naoki Kabeya, Shuwa Sanada, Ryosuke Yazawa, Yutaka Haga, Shuichi Satoh, Yoji Yamamoto, Carlos Augusto Strussmann, JohnAdam Luckenbach & Goro Yoshizaki. Flatfishes colonized freshwater environments by acquisition of various DHA biosynthetic pathways. Communications Biology 3, 516 (2020).
7?jWataru Kawamura, Reoto Tani, Hana Yahagi, Shigeharu Kamio, Tetsuro Morita, Yutaka, Takeuchi, Ryosuke Yazawa, Goro Yoshizaki. Suitability of Hybrid Mackerel (Scomber Australasicus ?~ S. Japonicus) With Germ Cell-Less Sterile Gonads as a Recipient for Transplantation of Bluefin Tuna Germ Cells. General and Comparative Endocrinology 295, 113525 (2020).
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