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1?jInigo Novales Flamarique, Ryo Fujihara, Ryosuke Yazawa, Kennedy Bolstad, Brent Gowen, Goro Yoshizaki. Disrupted eye and head development in rainbow trout with reduced ultraviolet (sws1) opsin expression. Journal of Comparative Neurology 529(11), 3013-3031 (2020).

2?jKensuke Ichida, Yoshiyuki Matsushita, Yuichi Amano, Misako Miwa, Kazue Nagasawa, Makoto Hayashi, Hanaka Mizutani, Momo Takahashi, Surintorn Boonanuntanasarn, Goro Yoshizaki. Visualization and tracking of live type a spermatogonia using a fluorescence-conjugated antibody in Salmo species. Aquaculture 533, 736096 (2020).

3?jZoran Marinovi?, Jelena Luji?, Qian Li, Yoshiko Iwasaki, Bela Urbanyi, Goro Yoshizaki, Akos Horvath. Cryopreservation and Transplantation of Spermatogonial Stem Cells. Methods in Molecular Biology 2218, 37-47 (2020).

4?jFauzi, IA, Haga, Y., Kondo, H., Hirono, I., Satoh, S. Dietary citrulline improves survival of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss juveniles challenged with Vibrio anguillarum. Aquaculture, 528, 735491 (2020).

5?jRungsun Duangkaew, Fumi Kezuka, Ichida Kensuke, Surintorn Boonanuntanasarn, Goro Yoshizaki. Aging- and temperature-related activity of spermatogonial stem cells for germ cell transplantation in medaka. Theriogenology 155, 213-221 (2020).

6?jSantizo-Taan, R, Haga, Y, Satoh, S. Utilization of combined extruded soybean and corn gluten meals as feed ingredients for juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss diet. Aquac. Res. 51, 3829?3838 (2020).

7?jYoshiko Iwasaki-Takahashi, Shinya Shikina, Masaya Watanabe, Akira Banba, Masaru Yagisawa, Kasumi Takahashi, Ryo Fujihara, Taro Okabe, DM Valdez Jr, Akihiro Yamauchi, Goro Yoshizaki. Production of eggs functional and sperm from in vitroexpanded type A spermatogonia in rainbow trout. Communications Biology 3(1), 308(2020).

8?jKensuke Ichida, Makoto Hayashi, Misako Miwa, Ryota Kitada, Momo Takahashi, Ryo hujihara, Surintorn Boonanuntanasarn, Goro Yoshizaki. Enrichment transplantable germ cells in salmonids using a novel monoclonal antibody by magnetic activated cell sorting. Molecular Reproduction and Development 86, 1810 -1821 (2019).

9?jRungsun Duangkaew, Ayara Jangprai, Kensuke Ichida, Goro Yoshizaki, Surintorn Boonarnuntanasarn. Characterization and expression of a vasa homolog in the gonads and primordial germ cells of the striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus). Theriogenology 131, 61-71 (2019).

10?jAsano Ishikawa, Naoki Kabeya, Koki Ikeya, Ryo Kakioka, Jennifer N. Cech, Naoki Osada, Miguel C. Leal, Jun Inoue, Manabu Kume, Atsushi Toyoda, Ayumi Tezuka, Atsushi J. Nagano, Yo Y. Yamasaki, Yuto Suzuki, Tomoyuki Kokita, Hiroshi Takahashi, Kay Lucek, Carsten J. Schubert, Blake Matthews, Catherine L. Peichel, Ole Seehausen, Goro Yoshizaki, Jun Kitano. A key metabolic gene for recurrent freshwater colonization and radiation in fishes. Science 364(6443 ), 886-889 (2019).

11?jAtsushi J. Nagano, Yo Y. Yamasaki, Yuto Suzuki, Tomoyuki Kokita, Hiroshi Takahashi, Kay Lucek, Carsten J. Schubert, Blake Matthews, Catherine L. Peichel, Ole Seehausen, Goro Yoshizaki, Jun Kitano. A key metabolic gene for recurrent freshwater colonization and radiation in fishes. Science 364(6443), 886-889 (2019).

12?jMakoto Hayashi, Kensuke Ichida, Sakiko Sadaie, Misako Miwa, Ryo Fujiwara, Yasuhiko Nagasaka, Goro Yoshizaki. Establishment of novel monoclonal antibodies for identification of type A spermatogonia in teleosts. Biology of Reproduction 101(2), 478- 491 (2019 ).

13?jRidwanudin, A, Haga, Y, Katagiri, T, Satoh, S. Effect of nucleotides supplementation to low-fish meal feed on long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid composition of juvenile rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquac. Res. 50, 2218 -2230 (2019).

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2?jGoro Yoshizaki. Germ Cell Transplantation in Fish: Mutant dnd rainbow trout can produce Chinook salmon gametes. Exotic Species Webinar Series. ?I?????C???J??(2021.2.10).

3?jGoro Yoshizaki. Development of germ cell manipulation technology in fish?\Can small surrogates produce bluefin tuna gametes? Germ Cell Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. ?I?????C???J?? (2020.9.30 ).

4?j?{?{ ???, ??R ???l, ???? ??, ?g?? ??N. ???Y??????E?R????? ????????????????`?q. ?bea 2 ?N?x???{???Y?w??t?G???. ?I?? ???C???J?? (2020.3.27).

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9?j?g?? ??N. Germ cell manipulation in fish: Can mackerel produce bluefin tuna offspring? 2019 ?N?x ?? 11 ?????????????Z?~?i?[ ?g?????@?\???w????p?h. ?????s???c??(2019.10.5).

10?j?g?? ??N. ????T?J?i??n??o???j. ?C?m?x?t?B?b?V??. ?????s???c?? (2019.8.26 .XNUMX).

11?jGoroYoshizaki. Germ Cell Transplantation in Fish: Current Status and Future Prospects. Germinal Stem Cell Biology Gordon Research Conference. Hong Kong, China (2019.5.23).

12?jGoro Yoshizaki. Surrogate broodstock technology for fish culture advancement. XIII Scientific Meeting of the Fisheries Institute. Sao Paulo, Brazil (2019.4.24).





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