NEWSSee All News
- 2023.07.25 News
- We presented a letter of appreciation to Mr. Takashi Sumai
- 2023.07.04 News Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers Current students For graduates Local / general people
- Ranked 22th nationwide with 18 successful applicants for the National Career Examination (national university)
- 2023.06.30 News Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers Current students For graduates Local / general people
- [Joint press release] Conclusion of business contract for "Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (Shinagawa Campus) International Mixed Dormitory Development Project"
- 2023.06.27 News Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers For graduates Local / general people
- A special issue of the Seitaka Maru was published in the "Journal of Oceanography" magazine.
- 2023.05.31 News Local / general people
- (Shinagawa Campus) Selection of Successful Bidder for Effective Land Utilization Project and International Mixed Dormitory Development Project
- 2023.04.28 News Current students
- Message from the President ~Response after May 5, 5~
- 2023.04.03 News Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers Current students For graduates Local / general people
- The Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology official website has been renewed.