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  • [End] Reiwa 3rd year To students who need emergency support due to the spread of new coronavirus infection (information on study support loans) Updated 6/24

[End] Reiwa 3rd year To students who need emergency support due to the spread of new coronavirus infection (information on study support loans) Updated 6/24


Applications are no longer being accepted.

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology supports students who need support for living due to sudden changes in household financial circumstances due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, decreased income from part-time jobs, etc., and those who need to prepare a computer and communication environment to respond to distance learning For students, we provide study support loans for the purpose of securing a stable learning environment.

1. Eligibility

Students who are enrolled in an undergraduate, graduate, marine science major, or boarding training course at our university (excluding non-degree students, research students, special auditing students, and special research students) who fall under any of the following.
(1) Those who have difficulty paying the temporarily necessary school expenses due to family financial circumstances, etc.
(2) Persons who need assistance in preparing a computer and communication environment for distance learning
(3) Others who need temporary support

2. Study support loan

A one-time payment of 6 yen. * It is possible to apply for re-lending (up to 12 yen)
interest free loanwill do. (Repayment is required at a later date.)

3. Application period April 3, 4 (Monday) ~ August 19, 3 (Tuesday) (postmark valid) ← The application period has been extended.
4. Application procedure

Please submit the following documents by mail (simplified registered mail, letter pack, or other traceable method) to the Fund Relations Section within the “application period” in 3 above.
As long as the joint guarantor is an adult residing in Japan, a person who is not a guarantor registered with the university is also acceptable. (Excluding students.)
If an adult (excluding students) other than the guarantor notified to the university is to be the joint guarantor, the guarantor notified to the university at a later date will be required to submit a letter of consent.
-Study support loan application form (Appendix No. 1 form)
-Study support loan application form (Appendix No. 2 form)
-bank account statement
(Payment can only be made to the bank account of the student or the joint guarantor.)
?Please attach a double-page spread of your passbook (the part where you can see the account name (kana) and account number) or a copy of the front of your cash card.

5. Submission destination Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology 108-8477-4 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 5-7, Japan
6. Lender selection Based on the documents submitted by the applicant, the president will select and decide.
7.Refund of loans

The loan repayment must be completed by Friday, December 3, 12.
Refunds will be made in cash to the account designated by the university.The transfer fee will be borne by the applicant.
It is also possible to make a transfer via internet banking.
Please write "student number student name" in single-byte characters for the name of the person making the transfer. (Example: 1234567 Kaiyo Taro)

8. Remittance financial institution Japan Post Bank Account name: Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Fund Transfer account: XNUMX-XNUMX-XNUMX
◆ Bank account name: National University Corporation Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Transfer account:Mizuho Bank Shinagawa branch normal XNUMX

9. Request for return made by the university

If the lender falls under any of the following, we will immediately request the refund of the loan.
?If you withdraw or take a leave of absence before the due date for repayment
?If you receive disciplinary action as stipulated in the university regulations
?When false facts are found in the content of the application
?Other facts that are determined to be unsuitable as a lender are found

Other assistance

Please check the following website for information.
<To all students who need financial support due to the effects of the new coronavirus infection> 

【contact information】 
 <Regarding study support loans due to the spread of new coronavirus infection>
 Fund Liaison Section Fund Liaison Section
 Phone: 03-5463-4279

【contact information】 
 <About other study support>
 Scholarship Section, Student Services Division
 Phone: 03-5463-0435 E-mail:

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  • [End] Reiwa 3rd year To students who need emergency support due to the spread of new coronavirus infection (information on study support loans) Updated 6/24
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