Other donations
Donation system related to research subsidies for faculty members
Donations related to endowed courses and research grants for faculty members are accepted separately from the University Fund.Please contact the following department in charge. → /research/procedure/
Inquiries about research grants, etc.
Research Promotion Section, Research Support Section TEL:03-5463-4201 FAX:03-5463-0359 E-mail: ke-shien@o.kaiyodai.ac.jp |
In-kind donations/bequeathed donations
We also accept donations in kind, such as securities, and donations through the bequest system. Please consult with the Foundation's Public Relations Office in advance.
Inquiries about actual products, etc.
General Affairs Division, Fund Liaison Office TEL:03-5463-4279 FAX:03-5463-0359 Email: ef-kikin@o.kaiyodai.ac.jp |