Frequently Asked Questions List

When will my receipt be dated?

The issue date of the receipt is as follows.

  1. Postal transfer: Date of transfer
  2. Credit card payment, Pay-easy payment, Convenience store payment: Date of payment from the payment agency to Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
  3. Bank transfer: Date of payment from the receiving institution to Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

How long does it take for the receipt to arrive

If the payment is made at a financial institution, the payment will be issued at the beginning of the month following the month in which the payment was made.If you apply by credit card payment, Pay-easy payment, or convenience store payment, the issuing procedure will be done after the payment is made to the university by the payment agency, so we will issue it all at the beginning of the month after the month in which you applied.

Can I receive tax benefits by making a donation?

Donations to the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology are eligible for preferential treatment for income tax, corporate tax, etc.For details, such as how to calculate the amount of income tax and resident tax reduction due to donation deduction,Tax Incentives Page

I would like to make a donation by withdrawing money from my account on a regular basis.Is this possible?

We have a donation program that allows you to donate a fixed amount starting from 1,000 yen on a monthly basis or a fixed month every year.Only credit card payment is possible. You can apply from "Donation application (credit card payment)".

I have moved and would like to notify you of a change of address. What should I do?

Your new address will be required when sending donation receipts and university-related materials, so if you have moved, please inform the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology's Fund Liaison Office, General Affairs Department, General Affairs Division, of your new address.

I lost my receipt, can you reissue it?

Please contact the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology General Affairs Department, General Affairs Division, Fund Liaison Office to have it issued. However, it will be printed with "Reissue."

What should I do if I want a university-designated "payment slip"?

Payment slip designated by our university(Japan Post Bank) (No transfer fee)If you would like, we will send it to you by mail. here.Please apply from.

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