International exchange agreement list開 く
List of International Partner Institutions
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, which plays an active role in the world's oceans, is strongly required to promote education and research that responds to internationalization. Local cooperation is essential.In order to further promote international exchange, we have concluded academic exchange agreements with universities and research institutes around the world, and are actively working on exchanges of researchers, exchange students, and holding international seminars.
It is indispensable for Tokyo University of Marine Scinece and Technology (TUMSAT), whose fields of activity lies on the ocean around the world, to promote internationalization on education and research. Therefore, TUMSAT is making efforts to build a partnership worldwide by the cooperation with foreign universities and research institutions. TUMSAT has been concluding Joint Declaration of Cooperation with universities/research institutions all over the world, and has actively been working on collaboration on research, exchange of students and hosting international symposiums.
32 Countries/Region 97 Institutions
(The institutions marked with an ※ have agreements with TUMSAT for the exchange of students.)
As of Aug. 2024, 8
Europe 9 agreements in 15 countries Europe: 9 countries, 15 agreements |
アイス ランド Iceland |
Matisse Matis |
University of Iceland * University of Iceland |
University of Akureyri * University of Akureyri |
United Kingdom United Kingdom |
Sterling university University of Stirling |
Netherlands Netherlands |
Delft University of Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology Faculty of Design, Engineering and Production, Delft University of Technology |
Denmark Denmark |
Technical University of Denmark, Department of Mechanical Engineering The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Technical University of Denmark |
Germany Germany |
Baltic Institute Baltic Sea Research Institute |
Norway norway |
Norwegian Arctic University * The Arctic University of Norway |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology * Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Nord University * Nord University |
Norwegian Institute of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Nofima AS |
Runde Environmental Center Runde Environmental Center |
Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Stavanger * Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger |
Poland poland |
Gdynia Maritime University Gdynia Maritime University |
Republic of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan |
University of Logistics and Transportation Academy pf Logistics and Transport |
Africa 2 countries 2 agreements Africa: 2 countries, 2 agreements |
Namibia Namibia |
University of Namibia * University of Namibia |
Republic of Djibouti Djibouti |
Djibouti Research Center Ie Center d'Etudes et de Recherche de Djibouti (CERD) |
Middle East 1 agreements in 6 countries Middle East: 1 country, 6 agreements |
Turkey Turkey |
Aegean University * Ege University |
Istanbul University * Istanbul University |
Istanbul Technical University Istanbul Technical University |
?anakkale Onsekiz Malto University ※ Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University |
Akdeniz University (Turkish Mediterranean University) Akdeniz University |
Faculty of Fisheries, Moola Situki Kosiman University * Faculty of Fisheries, Mugla S?tk? Ko?man University |
Oceania 1 agreements in 2 countries Oceania: 1 country, 1 agreement |
Australia Australia |
University of Tasmania * University of Tasmania |
University of Western Australia Deep Sea Research Center Minderoo-UWA Deep-Sea Research Center, The University of Western Australia |
Asia 11 agreements in 56 countries Asia: 11 countries, 56 agreements |
Indonesia Indonesia |
Bogor Agricultural University * IPB University |
Jakarta Merchant Marine University Maritime Higher Education & Training Institute |
Samratulangi University Sam Ratulangi University |
Diponegoro University * Diponegoro University |
Hasanuddin University ※ Hasanuddin University |
South Korea South Korea |
Pukyong National University ※ Pukyong National University |
Chonnam National University ※ Chonnam National University |
Korea Maritime University ※ Korea Maritime and Ocean University |
Mokpo Ocean University ※ Mokpo National Maritime University |
Jeju National University Jeju National University |
Incheon National University ※ Incheon National University |
Korea Marine Fisheries Development Institute Korea Maritime Institute |
Kangwon University ※ Kangwon National University |
Pusan ??National University ※ Pusan ??National University |
Singapore Singapore |
Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore |
Thailand Thailand |
Kasetsart University ※ Kasetsart University |
Chulalongkorn University * Chulalongkorn University |
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center |
Prince of Songkla University ※ Prince of Songkla University |
National Food Research Institute of Thailand National Food Institute, Ministry of Industry |
Walairak University * Walailak University |
Maefalan University ※ Mae Fah Luang University |
Mahidol University ※ Mahidol University |
Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agricultural Cooperatives, Kingdom of Thailand Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives,Thailand |
Asia 11 agreements in 56 countries Asia: 11 countries, 56 agreements |
Taiwan Taiwan |
Taiwan Ocean University * National Taiwan Ocean University |
National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology ※ National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology |
National Taiwan University College of Engineering College of Engineering, National Taiwan University |
Tokai University Tunghai University |
Chugoku China |
Ocean University of China * Ocean University of China |
Dalian Maritime University ※ Dalian Maritime University |
Harbin University of Commerce * Harbin University of Commerce |
Shanghai Maritime University * Shanghai Maritime University |
Dalian Ocean University * Dalian Ocean University |
Shanghai Ocean University * Shanghai Ocean University |
Guangdong Ocean University * Guangdong Ocean University |
Shanghai University School of Science College of Sciences, Shanghai University |
Zhejiang Ocean University ※ Zhejiang Ocean University |
East China University of Science and Technology * East China University of Science and Technology |
Jimei University ※ Jimei University |
East China Normal University * East China Normal University |
Bangladesh Bangladesh |
Khulna University Khulna University |
Philippine Philippines |
University of the Philippines Visayas University of the Philippines Visayas |
University of the Philippines Diliman University of the Philippines Diliman |
University of San Carlos * University of San Carlos |
University of Santo Tomas University of Santo Tomas |
Vietnam Vietnam |
Vietnam Maritime University Vietnam Maritime University |
Nha Trang University Nha Trang University |
Can Tho University ※ Can Tho University |
Hanoi University of Science and Technology * Hanoi University of Science and Technology |
Institute of Biotechnology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology Institute of Biotechnology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology |
Myanmar Myanmar |
Myanmar Maritime University Myanmar Maritime University |
Directorate General of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Myanmar Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar |
Mawlamyine University Mawlamyine University |
University of Yangon University of Yangon |
Malaysia Malaysia |
University of Malaysia Sabah * Universiti Malaysia Sabah |
University of Malaya Universiti Malaya |
North America 2 agreements in 7 countries North America: 2 countries, 7 agreements |
America USA |
Department of Food Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst Department of Food Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst |
United States Merchant Marine College United States Marchant Marine Academy |
Scripps Institute of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego |
California Maritime University California Maritime Academy |
University of Hawaii at Manoa University of Hawaii?i at Mānoa |
Woods Hole Ocean Research Institute Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
Canada Canada |
University of Victoria * University of victoria |
Latin America 4 agreements in 4 countries Central and South America: 4 countries, 4 agreements |
Argentine Argentina |
University of San Martin * National University of San Martin |
Costa Rica Costa Rica |
University of Costa Rica University of Costa Rica |
Brazil Brazil |
University of Sao Paulo * University of Sao Paulo |
Peru Peru |
La Molina National Agricultural University * National Agrarian University "La Molina" |