

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Introduction to the Department of Marine Bioresources

ABOUTAbout the Department of Marine Bioresources

In recent years, the resources of many species of marine organisms have been declining due to global environmental destruction, climate change, and overfishing.In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to understand the ecosystems created by marine organisms and their body mechanisms, and to appropriately support the growth and proliferation of these organisms.

The Department of Marine Bioresources offers a wide range of education and research on "life science" and "resource biology" to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity in ecosystems.Its content encompasses genes, cells, individuals, populations, and ecosystem levels, and it tackles the resolution of various issues related to marine ecosystems and marine organisms on a global scale, cutting the cutting edge of related scientific and industrial fields. We cultivate experts who have the desire and ability to open up new fields.

CLASSExamples of lessons learned in four years

Class introduction

Marine flora and fauna training (2 years)
In addition to understanding the basic morphology and structure of marine organisms, you will acquire the knowledge and techniques to safely collect them outdoors.

Aquaculture and Breeding Practice (3 years)
Using rainbow trout as a material, students will actually observe eggs and sperm, learn the basics of fertilization, and experience artificial insemination, which is an essential technique for aquaculture.In addition, students will learn cutting-edge biotechnology techniques such as genetic manipulation and germ cell manipulation.


reproductive ecology

Preserving marine resources and rare creatures
How do aquatic organisms live and leave offspring while being influenced by changing environments? And what kind of measures are required to maintain and conserve marine resources and rare creatures?
As a foundation for the conservation and proliferation of aquatic organisms, we are developing artificial breeding techniques and elucidating dispersal and return strategies, anti-predator strategies, and feeding ecology during the early stages of life history. We also conduct research to predict and evaluate the effects of environmental change and global warming on the reproduction and dispersion of aquatic organisms.
Eggs and larvae of cephalopods, crustaceans, and shellfish artificially bred in aquariums

aquaculture science

Elucidating the disease resistance mechanism of farmed fish
We are conducting genome analysis of differences in disease resistance traits between individuals in farmed fish to elucidate disease resistance mechanisms.
To date, we have developed genetic markers that can identify the presence or absence of disease resistance traits in individuals, and created the world's first seedlings using this technology. In this way, we conduct research to utilize research results to give back to society and utilize them in industry.
In the future, I would like to expand my research from searching for genes responsible for disease resistance to preserving genetic diversity in wild populations.
Disease resistance genome research using wild sweetfish

production systems science

Protecting endangered sea turtles
In fishing, the accidental catching of species that are not targeted is called bycatch. In our laboratory, we are working on developing methods to prevent the bycatch of rare creatures such as sea turtles and seabirds.
In the tuna longline fishery, we are developing new fishing gear (neutral buoy system) that improves the catch of tuna while preventing the bycatch of sea turtles, and improving fishing gear that allows hooks to sink faster to prevent the bycatch of seabirds. We are doing
In addition, in set net fishing, we are working on various bycatch issues to protect endangered species, such as developing a method (sea turtle escape support system) to allow sea turtles that get lost in the net and drown to escape from the net. is.
Sea turtle escape support system

Genomic science

harness the power of sharks
The water where fish live also contains pathogenic microorganisms that threaten the survival of living things. In such an environment, fish became the most prosperous of all vertebrate animals, and it is thought that a mechanism to prevent them from getting sick was important for their prosperity.
We have revealed that fish such as sharks and sturgeon have a mechanism that prevents them from getting sick, which is different from that of other fish.
Currently, we are researching ways to understand this mechanism and apply it to various fields.

CAREERCareer / employment

Career after graduation

Where to work

Ajinomoto, Ide, ANA Foods, Oriental Yeast, Maritime High School (teacher), Kaiyukan, Kagome, Kasai Rinkai Aquarium, Kewpie, Kyokuyo, Kurita Industries, Globeride, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, JF Mutual Aid, Shimadzu Corporation, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Fisheries Agency, Fisheries Research and Education Organization, Prefectural Fisheries Research Institute, Tokyo Hisae, Toyo Suisan, Nichimo, Nichirei Foods, JGC, Nisshin Marubeni Feed, Nippon Ham, IBM Japan Systems Engineering, Japan Food Research Center, Nissui, Nippun, House Foods, Marukome, Maruha Nichiro Holdings, Mitsui Sugar, Mitsubishi Corporation Life Sciences, Meiji, Montbell, Yakult Honsha, Yamasa Soy Sauce, Yamazaki Baking, Megmilk Snow Brand, Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise, Riken Foods, Riken Vitamin, Lotte, etc.

Employment industry

Employment status by industry for graduates in 3 (%)
*Achievements of undergraduate graduates, excluding those who went on to higher education, etc.


diploma policy(Policy for Graduation Accreditation and Degree Awarding)開 く

1. Graduation Certification/Degree Award Policy

The Department of Marine Bioresources aims to elucidate the life functions and biological production mechanisms of a wide variety of organisms that live in the ocean, lakes, and rivers, and to utilize biological resources sustainably. In addition to having the specialized knowledge as a professional engineer engaged in technology development and resource management, we also have the ability to independently think and solve various social issues and concerns related to food, life, and the environment. We will award an academic degree (marine science) to those who have acquired the necessary background and skills.

2. Learning outcome goals

(1)Specialized knowledge
 Based on a wide range of knowledge in mathematics and natural sciences, students will deepen their scientific and cultural awareness of the hydrosphere, including the ocean, and develop the ability to apply and put this into practice in the use and conservation of biological resources. I wear it on my body.
(2) Rich internationality and wide-ranging education
 Have acquired communication and presentation skills, including language skills, and a high level of international and cultural knowledge.
(3) Ability to think and make decisions independently
 Acquire the ability to think logically about solutions to issues related to the use and conservation of biological resources, and to act with appropriate judgment and a sense of responsibility towards society when applying and putting them into practice. There is.
(4) Practical skills that can be used in the field
 The ability to integrate specialized knowledge, information technology, and abilities acquired through experiments, practical training, and graduation research, and to independently and practically explore, solve, and act on various problems in the field, including from a global perspective. is worn on one's body.

Curriculum policy(Curriculum Formulation and Implementation Policy)開 く

1. Policy for organizing the curriculum

 In the Department of Marine and Biological Resources, we offer ``general subjects'', ``specialist entrance subjects'', and ``specialized subjects (core courses)'' in order to help students acquire the four basic skills and abilities listed in ``2'' below. ” and “Specialized subjects (advanced course subjects)” are organized systematically. We have established ``General Subjects'' to acquire a wide range of knowledge and language skills, ``Specialization Introductory Subjects'' to learn a wide range of basic sciences, and ``Specialized Subjects (Core Curriculum Subjects)''. As technology becomes more diverse and sophisticated, we will enrich the basic skills necessary to understand it. On top of that, we have students learn specialized knowledge in ``specialized subjects (advanced course subjects).'' ``Advanced Course Subjects'' are the basics of all fields in this department, which are studied in the lower grades, and then cultivate deeper knowledge and become specialized. Students will systematically learn through "Advanced Course Subjects (Life Science)" and "Advanced Course Subjects (Biological Resources Science)" to develop their abilities, and will connect with graduate school education. . Furthermore, ``Global Career Related Subjects'' will help students connect smoothly to the international community, industry, and other societies.

2. Policies regarding educational content and educational implementation methods

 The class subject categories are "general subjects," "specialized introductory subjects," "specialized subjects (core curriculum subjects)," and "specialized subjects (advanced course subjects (basic education))." , ``Advanced Course Subjects for Specialized Subjects (Life Science),'' ``Advanced Course Subjects for Specialized Subjects (Biological Resources Science),'' and ``Global Career Related Subjects,'' with lectures and exercises. , conduct experiments and practical training.

(1)Specialized knowledge
 In order for all students in the department to acquire specialized knowledge that is the basis for all fields of the department, we offer "Specialized Subjects (Advanced Courses (Basic Subjects)") from the first to third years. will be carried out. Furthermore, we use laboratory scientific methods to understand life phenomena at the genome, cell, and individual organism levels, and field scientific methods to understand the relationship between the environment and living things and ecosystems, and apply applied scientific knowledge. A curriculum that systematizes the methods will be offered mainly in the third year as specialized subjects (Advanced Course Subjects (Life Science)) and Advanced Course Subjects (Biological Resources Science). Through experiments, practical training, and exercises, students actually experience the series of processes of understanding problems, observing target organisms, analyzing them, and logically considering them, as well as learning how to collaborate with others and lead. .
(2) Rich internationality and wide-ranging education
 With the aim of cultivating a wide range of knowledge, logical thinking ability, cultural background, international perspective, communication skills, and presentation skills, we carry out ``general subjects,'' and also prepare students for English qualification exams, study abroad, and We will conduct "Global Career Related Subjects" related to each career development. In the first and second years, students are taught systematic basic knowledge of natural science, mathematical science, humanities and social science, and basic information technology, which are the foundation for learning specialized subjects. ``Specialization Entrance Subjects'' and ``Specialization Subjects (Core Curriculum Subjects)'' will be held.
(3) Ability to think and make decisions independently
 In order to acquire the foundation and ability to think logically and make accurate judgments based on a variety of information, we provide exercises, experiments, practical training, and A 4th year seminar and graduation thesis will be held. Furthermore, in order to help students acquire the ability to make ethical decisions, we provide education related to researcher ethics as part of the fourth-year seminar.
(4) Practical skills that can be used in the field
 In order to enable students to effectively utilize knowledge, data, and information technology in various situations, and to acquire the applied and practical skills to integrate them and make use of them in the marine field, we offer a seminar and a graduation thesis in the fourth year. We aim to develop the ability to identify issues that need to be solved, plan a path to a solution, and carry out and verify plans based on the plan. In addition, we offer ``Global Career-related Subjects'' to help students connect smoothly with the international community, industry, and other societies.

3. Policy regarding evaluation method of learning outcomes

 In all subjects, learning outcomes and achievement of goals will be rigorously evaluated through exams, reports, presentations, etc.

Admission policy(Policy for Accepting New Students)開 く

1.Admission Policy

 The Department of Marine Bioresources focuses on organisms that live in coastal, offshore, and deep sea areas, as well as in rivers and lakes. We provide a wide range of education and research in biology, life science, and resource biology. The content covers everything from the gene, cell, and individual level to the population and ecosystem level. Learn physiology, pathology, genetic breeding, biotechnology, ecology, and resource science to protect and nurture animals and plants that live in the water, and have an interest and desire to apply these as techniques, and have the specialized skills listed in the diploma policy. We are looking for people who have academic knowledge, the ability to think and make decisions on their own, a rich international perspective and education, and the background and ability to acquire practical skills that can be applied in the field by the time of graduation.

2. Required skills and abilities

[Nature and ability to acquire specialized knowledge]
  • Possess a wide range of basic academic abilities necessary for study after admission. In particular, the applicant must have basic academic ability in mathematics and science (physics, chemistry, or biology) (*).
(*) Regarding mathematics, Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Mathematics A, Mathematics B, Mathematics C
For physics, basic physics, physics
For chemistry, Basic Chemistry, Chemistry
For biology, basic biology, biology
[Nature and ability to acquire the ability to think and judge for oneself]
  •  Must have a strong desire to learn and actively work on various issues related to marine life and the environment surrounding it. Also, always broaden your perspective, think independently about the above issues, and have the attitude of taking action to solve them.
[A rich international perspective, a wide range of knowledge, and the knowledge and abilities necessary to acquire practical skills that can be used in the field]
  •  To improve communication skills through university life in the Department of Marine Bioresources. Also, be a person who can respect different ways of thinking and cultures. Furthermore, students should aim to play an active role in global society based on what they have learned in the Department of Marine Bioresources.

3.Basic policy and evaluation method for admission selection

[Basic policy for student selection]

 The following selection process will be conducted to determine the necessary background and ability to receive education in this department.

General selection (first half schedule, second half schedule)
  •  In the general selection (first semester), in order to select those who have acquired a wide range of basic academic abilities, applicants will be judged based on their overall score on the common university entrance test and individual academic ability tests (mathematics and science). In the general selection (second half), in order to select those who have basic academic ability as well as the ability to logically develop ideas and express them appropriately, we will conduct a common university entrance test (three subjects and four subjects) and individual academic ability. Judgment will be based on the overall score of the examination (essay).
Comprehensive selection (A)
  • Interest in the academic field of the department, motivation to learn, academic ability necessary for learning, etc. will be evaluated through short essays, lecture papers, personal interviews, statement of reasons for application, and research documents.
Comprehensive selection (C, E)
  • Interest in the academic field of the department, desire to learn, academic ability necessary for learning, etc. will be evaluated through essays, interviews, statements of purpose, and research documents.
School recommendation selection (B)
  • Interest in the academic field of the department, motivation to learn, academic ability necessary for learning, etc. will be evaluated through short essays, oral examinations, lecture papers, personal interviews, statements of reasons for application, and research papers.
Special Entrance Examination for Privately Financed International Students
  • We will evaluate your interest in the academic area of ??the department, your desire to learn, and the academic ability necessary for learning through individual academic ability tests, interviews, results of the EJU, a statement of reasons for application, and a survey.