

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

NEWS School of Marine Life Science
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ABOUTAbout the Faculty of Marine Life Science

The Faculty of Marine Life Science conducts education and research on various issues related to the ocean, hydrosphere, and human society based on a deep understanding of life science and other natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences.The contents are wide-ranging, including the use of marine biological resources, food production, safety, and distribution, coexistence with the sea, and fisheries resource management.The Faculty of Marine Life Science contributes to the sustainable development of human society by conducting research and education from the basics to applications related to these issues.

FEATURESFeatures of the Faculty of Marine Life Science

  • Protect and increase marine life.
  • Management and utilization of sea creatures.
  • Protect food safety and security.
  • Use food resources without waste.
  • The science of delicious food and health.
  • Think glocally about the diverse relationships between the sea, people, and society.
  • Realize sustainable ocean use and management.
  • Addressing environmental issues related to seas and rivers and symbiosis with people from a social and cultural perspective.

STUDYWhat you can learn Knowledge and qualifications you can acquire

What you can learn

Department of Marine Biological Resources
  • Physiology of Aquatic Organisms
  • Aquatic Ecology
  • Conservation of aquatic life
  • Aquatic organism rearing techniques
  • biodiversity
  • Biotechnology
  • Genomic science
  • Biological resource dynamics
  • sustainable fishing
Department of Food Production Science
  • Physical properties of food
  • Preservation method
  • Refrigeration engineering
  • Use of microorganisms
  • Food safety and security
  • nutrition and health
  • unused resources
  • Food processing
  • Deliciousness
Department of Ocean Policy and Culture
  • ocean policy
  • law of the sea
  • Marine industry
  • fisheries economy
  • Coastal zone/ocean management
  • ocean conservation
  • marine culture
  • Marine Sports
  • Environmental education
  • Life and Environmental Ethics

Knowledge and qualifications acquired

Department of Marine Biological Resources
  • High school teaching license (Science/Fisheries)
  • Curator
  • Third class marine engineer (navigation) *1
  • Assistant professional engineer
Department of Food Production Science
  • High school teaching license (Science/Fisheries)
  • Curator
  • food sanitation inspector
  • food hygiene manager
  • Third class marine engineer (navigation) *1
  • Assistant professional engineer
Department of Ocean Policy and Culture
  • High school teaching license (Science/Fisheries)
  • Curator
  • Third class marine engineer (navigation) *1
  • Assistant professional engineer

*1 Our university is registered by the government as a first-class training facility, and those who complete the undergraduate and marine science major courses are exempt from the written exam.

MESSAGEGreetings from the Dean

Conducting education and research from the perspective of realizing sustainable ocean use and management

Naohiro Goto
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Director of Marine Life Science
The Faculty of Marine Life Science is a faculty consisting of the Department of Marine Bioresources, the Department of Food Production Science, and the Department of Ocean Policy and Culture.Biological resources, food production, policy culture, and other fields of education and research seem to be unrelated, but the three departments have strong ties in marine and hydrosphere life sciences, fisheries, and the activities of people involved in these fields. It has become a distinctive faculty by stimulating each other.
The Department of Marine Bioresources conducts education and research on the safe and sustainable use of marine organisms, and educates and researches how to comprehensively understand organisms that live in water and use them sustainably while protecting them. .
In the Department of Food Science and Technology, we conduct a lot of education and research related to food safety, security, and deliciousness.
In the Department of Ocean Policy and Culture, we conduct education and research that approaches from various academic fields with the goal of balancing the conservation of the ocean and the prosperity of human life.
Today, the world is facing many problems such as climate change, energy problems, food shortages, and regional conflicts.The Faculty of Marine Life Science tackles these issues from the perspective of "sustainable use and management of the ocean" and works to realize a better society.


Educational goals開 く

The Faculty of Marine Life Science conducts education and research on various issues related to the ocean, hydrosphere, and human society based on a deep understanding of life science and other natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences.The contents are wide-ranging, including the use of marine biological resources, food production, safety, and distribution, coexistence with the sea, and fisheries resource management.The Faculty of Marine Life Science contributes to the sustainable development of human society by conducting research and education from the basics to applications related to these issues.

diploma policy(Policy for Graduation Accreditation and Degree Awarding)開 く


The Faculty of Marine Life Sciences is concerned with the sustainable use of the diverse living things that live in the aquatic world, including the ocean, as resources, and ocean policy and culture that are rooted in the symbiotic relationship between the ocean and humans. We will award the degree of Academician (Marine Science) to those who have a strong heart and have acquired the knowledge and ability to view these issues from a global perspective, think for themselves, and solve them. The knowledge and abilities that should be acquired are as follows.

(1)Specialized knowledge
 Based on scientific and cultural knowledge of the hydrosphere, including the ocean, we develop strategies and techniques for the use and conservation of biological resources, production theories and techniques for food, and research on marine industry and marine culture. Expert knowledge regarding desirable sustainable development measures, etc.
(2) Rich internationality and wide-ranging education
 Communication skills including language skills, presentation skills, and a high level of international and cultural knowledge
(3) Ability to think and make decisions independently
 Ability to think logically on one's own based on a variety of information and knowledge and make accurate decisions with a sense of responsibility towards society.
(4) Practical skills that can be used in the field
 By integrating the knowledge and skills listed in (1) to (3) above, you will be able to explore and understand various issues in the field from a global perspective, and have the applied and practical ability to independently lead to solutions.

Curriculum policy(Curriculum Formulation and Implementation Policy)開 く

1. Policy for organizing the curriculum

At the Faculty of Marine Life Sciences, we offer ``General Subjects,'' ``Specialized Entrance Subjects,'' and ``Specialized Subjects (Core Curriculum Subjects) in order to help students acquire the four basic skills and abilities listed in ``2'' below. We will systematically organize ``Global Career-related Subjects'' and ``Global Career-related Subjects''.

2. Policies regarding educational content and educational implementation methods

The class subject categories are "General Subjects", "Introduction Subjects", "Specialized Subjects (Core Course Subjects)", "Specialized Subjects (Advanced Course Subjects)", and "Global Subjects". "Career-related subjects" will be established, and lectures, exercises, experiments, and practical training will be conducted.

(1)Specialized knowledge
 Based on scientific and cultural knowledge of the hydrosphere, including the ocean, we develop strategies and techniques for the use and conservation of biological resources, production theories and techniques for food, and research on marine industry and marine culture. In order for all students to acquire specialized knowledge related to desirable sustainable development policies, etc., all students are taught specialized knowledge that is fundamental to all fields of the departments belonging to this faculty, from the first to the third year. We will carry out ``specialized subjects (core course subjects/advanced course subjects)'' as a means of acquiring specialized knowledge. Mainly in the third year, each department has highly specialized subjects in order to help students acquire specialized knowledge in marine biological resources, food production science, and ocean policy culture. . In addition, we will have experiments, practical training, and practice subjects in order to help students acquire the ability to grasp the situation from a broader perspective and to comprehensively understand and judge various issues.
(2) Rich internationality and wide-ranging education
 In order to help students acquire communication skills, including language skills, presentation skills, and a high level of international and cultural knowledge, and thereby contribute to the development of problem-identifying and problem-solving skills, we implement "general subjects" and We offer "Global Career Related Subjects" related to English qualification exams, study abroad, and career development. In order to help students acquire basic knowledge of the natural sciences, mathematical sciences, humanities and social sciences, and basic information technology, which serve as the basis for learning specialized subjects, we mainly provide specialized courses in the first and second years. Introductory subjects and specialized subjects (core curriculum subjects) will be held.
(3) Ability to think and make decisions independently
 In order to help students acquire the ability to think logically on their own based on a variety of information and knowledge and make accurate judgments with a sense of responsibility towards society, we offer ``Introductory Subjects'' and ``Specialized Subjects (Core Curriculum Subjects)''. Seminars, experiments, practical training, 4th-year seminars, and graduation thesis will be held as ``Advanced Course Subjects''. Furthermore, in order to help students acquire the ability to make ethical decisions, we provide education related to researcher ethics as part of the fourth-year seminar.
(4) Practical skills that can be used in the field
 In order to develop the ability to discover issues that need to be solved, plan a path to a solution, and execute and verify plans based on the plan, we will develop the knowledge and skills listed in (1) to (3) above. Overall, we will conduct a graduation research course in order to acquire the applied and practical skills to independently explore and understand various issues in the field, including from a global perspective, and lead to solutions. In addition, in order to smoothly connect to international society, industry, and other societies, we offer ``Global Career-related Subjects'' related to English qualification exams, study abroad, and career development, which are required for promotion. Masu.

3. Policy regarding evaluation method of learning outcomes

In all subjects, learning outcomes and achievement of goals will be rigorously evaluated through exams, reports, presentations, etc.

Admission policy(Policy for Accepting New Students)開 く

1.Admission Policy

Based on a deep understanding of the natural sciences including the life sciences, humanities and social sciences, the Faculty of Marine Life Sciences takes an interest in global issues related to the hydrosphere, including the ocean, in order to contribute to the sustainable development of human society. We are looking for people who have the background and ability to acquire specialized knowledge, the ability to think and make decisions on their own, a rich international perspective and knowledge, and practical skills that can be applied in the field, as set forth in the diploma policy, by the time they graduate.

2. Required skills and abilities

[Nature and ability to acquire specialized knowledge]
  • Applicants must have the necessary background and basic academic ability, including English proficiency, to receive education at this faculty.
[Nature and ability to acquire the ability to think and judge for oneself]
  • Must have a strong desire to learn and be willing to take on new challenges. Also, always broaden your horizons and have an attitude of thinking independently.
[A rich international perspective, a wide range of knowledge, and the knowledge and ability to acquire practical skills that can be used in the field]
  • Ability to improve communication skills and respect different ways of thinking and cultures. Also, aim to acquire practical English skills and play an active role in global society.

3. Basic policies and evaluation methods for student selection

General selection (first half schedule)
  • In order to select those who have acquired a wide range of basic academic abilities, the selection will be based on the overall score of the common university entrance test and individual academic ability tests.
General Selection (late schedule)
  • In order to select those who have not only basic academic ability but also the ability to develop ideas logically and express them appropriately, the selection will be based on the overall score of the common university entrance test and the individual academic ability test.
Comprehensive selection
  • Determined for each department.
School recommended type selection
  • Determined for each department.
Special Entrance Examination for Privately Financed International Students
  • The background and basic academic ability necessary to receive education at our faculty will be evaluated through individual academic ability tests, interviews, results of the EJU, a statement of reasons for application, and a survey.

DOCUMENTList of materials related to the Faculty of Marine Life Sciences