NEWSSee All News
- 2023.06.27 Events Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers Current students For graduates Local / general people
- Summer vacation learning session "Life of shellfish and people, now and then" will be held
- 2023.06.27 News Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers For graduates Local / general people
- A special issue of the Seitaka Maru was published in the "Journal of Oceanography" magazine.
- 2023.06.26 Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers Local / general people
- [Awards and Commendations] Associate Professor Shun Nomura received the 2023 Japan Concrete Institute Award (Technology Award)
- 2023.06.16 School of Marine Life Science Companies / researchers Local / general people
- [Joint press release] Elucidation of factors responsible for viral disease deaths in tiger prawns
- 2023.06.15 Research / social collaboration Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers Current students For graduates Local / general people
- Received certification of "Marine Engineering's Wake -Achievements of Predecessors for the Future-"
- 2023.06.01 School of Marine Technology Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers For graduates Local / general people
- Letter of Appreciation for Cooperation in the Development and Construction of a Battery-powered Sightseeing Boat
- 2023.06.01 Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers Current students
- [Awards and Commendations] Our graduate student won the best oral presentation award and the best poster award at "International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish"
- 2023.05.25 Events Companies / researchers Local / general people
- Kesennuma City and Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Collaborative Project ““Living with the Sea” Continuous Fisheries Seminar” 9th season 4rd session will be held
- 2023.05.09 Research / social collaboration Companies / researchers Local / general people
- Received a letter of appreciation from Mihama Town, Fukui Prefecture
- 2023.04.28 Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers Current students
- [Awards and Commendations] A team of graduate students won the "Student Safety Technology Design Competition International Competition"
- 2023.04.28 School of Marine Life Science Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers Current students For graduates Local / general people
- [Awards and Commendations] Professor Goro Yoshizaki has been awarded the Medal with Purple Ribbon in the spring of 2023.
- 2023.04.27 Events Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers Local / general people
- [May 5] Professor Goro Yoshizaki will be on stage at the Nikkei SDGs Festival "University SDGs Conference"
- 2023.04.26 School of Marine Life Science Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers
- [Awards and Commendations] Professor Naohiro Goto received the 4 Japan Oil Chemistry Society Society Award
- 2023.04.17 Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment Companies / researchers Local / general people
- [Joint press release] Joint survey of marine plastic litter by five universities (received the Japan Society of Fisheries Science Technology Award)
- 2023.04.07 Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment Companies / researchers Local / general people
- Updated Guinness World Record for ultra-deep-sea survey, officially certified Snailfish confirmed in the "ultra-deep-sea" at a depth of 8336 meters
- 2023.04.05 Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment Companies / researchers Local / general people
- [Joint press release] Discovered a new species of archer shrimp hidden in coastal gravel!
- 2023.04.03 News Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers Current students For graduates Local / general people
- The Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology official website has been renewed.
- 2023.04.03 Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment Companies / researchers Local / general people
- [Joint press release] New Guinness World Records for ultra-deep-sea survey around Japan! A certificate awarding ceremony will be held at our university on April 4.
- 2015.03.20 Research / social collaboration Companies / researchers Local / general people
- Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, NEXCO East Japan, and Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway conclude an agreement on industry-academia collaboration