Career Development Theory II
Learn the importance of career development
In today's turbulent society, the way we work and live is diversifying, and when choosing a job, it is important to know society and think about the way we work and live on our own responsibility.For that reason, it is necessary to design your own career based on "self-understanding" and "recognition of environmental changes".
In class, we aim to improve students' "employability" by enhancing their career planning ability and designing their career, as well as improving their communication skills and self-expression skills.
In addition to conducting various assessments, we will also set times for lectures and discussions by people who are active in society.
Inviting lecturers from outside to experience actual business
Experienced speakers (OB/OG who graduated from Marine University) who are active in various fields can directly listen to stories about their experiences and various knowledge and skills.
Courses/seminars/workshops related to career development
- Career Development Theory I
This course is intended for first-year undergraduate students.
- Advanced Specialized Career Formation Theory I?II
This course is open to graduate students (Master's/Doctor's).
- Rakusuikai Lunch Seminar
Rakusuikai Lunch Seminar will be announced as soon as the schedule is decided.
- job hunting workshop
Hosted by the Career Support Center.We will keep you informed of the schedule.
student goals
The main theme is to think independently about career paths and lifestyles after graduating from university.In the process, we recognize the importance of valuing the present, making studies our main duty, and how to make the most of our student life.Students will be aware of themselves as human resources who will go out into society and play an active role in society.
lesson plan
- Overview and practice of designing a career (recognition of environmental changes and thinking about your own life)
- Basic skills and competencies for working adults (powers required to continue playing an active role at each stage of life)
- Self-analysis and self-understanding (knowing your own values ??and strengths, which form the basis of career design)
- Learn about the perspective of thinking about your career path and the world of occupations (get to know society and start preparing for a career choice that makes sense)
- Ask people who are active in society (Think about your own career based on the life stories of people who are active in society)
- Design your own career (envision your future and set goals for your future university life)
- Career design and career choice (summary, overall review)
The instructor | Noriko Hattori |
Acquisition of credits (first semester: intensive course) |
Start date (7 classes: Thursday 3rd period) |
Lecture Schedule for 2025 (Reiwa 7) |
Class form | Face-to-face lesson |
Faculty Office/Contact Information |
Shiratakakan XNUMXF Career Support Center |
Career Development Classes: Shinagawa Campus
- Career Formation Theory I [Undergraduate 1st year: First semester intensive lecture]
- Career Development Theory Ⅱ [Undergraduate 3rd year: First semester intensive lecture]