
HOME > News > 6 > [Announcement] Call for Applications for the 4th Maria Sk?odowska-Curie Prize for Soaring Women Researchers

[Notice] Call for Applications for the 4th Maria Sk?odowska-Curie Prize for Soaring Women Researchers


We have received another announcement from the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), so we would like to provide the following information.

We are now accepting applications for the 4th Maria Sk?odowska-Curie Prize, which recognizes young female researchers who are expected to be active internationally. The deadline for applications is noon on Tuesday, December 2024, 12.

This is a great opportunity to summarize your own research and achievements and further enrich your future research. Please apply.

◆Application period:

From Tuesday, October 2024, 10 to Tuesday, December 1, 12 at noon Japan time

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