
HOME > News > 3 > [Information] 3/26 Lecture "Aiming for the Day when Female Scientists Lead Japan" Held (Society of Japanese Women Scientists)

[Information] 3/26 Lecture "Aiming for the day when female scientists lead Japan" held (Japan Women Scientists Association)


Society of Japanese Women Scientists There was an announcement from the Kanto area block that a lecture will be held, so we will inform you as follows.
◎ Title: “Aiming for the day when female scientists lead Japan!”
?Lecture 1: “Unleash Japan” 3-point survey, open Japanese culture to the world” Professor Yasuo Kobayashi (Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo)
?Lecture 2: “Having ideas that fly” Professor Ichiro Yamashita (Specially Appointed Professor, Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering, Panasonic Research Alliance Laboratory)
?General Discussion: "Towards Soaring Comprehensive Knowledge" - Unleash Japan in Humanities and Science Moderator: Junko Atomi (Chairman of SJWS/Kanto Area Block Manager)
◎Date and time: 3/26 (Sat) 13:00-15:00 (open to the public via Zoom)
◎Advance application here.(Capacity: 300 people) *Participation is free even for non-members
Inquiries about this matter:
Director of SJWS Kanto Area Block (Takei); (Shimizu)