
HOME > News > 3 > [Information] Call for Catchphrases for FYXNUMX “Gender Equality Week” by the Cabinet Office

[Information] Call for Catchphrases for FYXNUMX “Gender Equality Week” by the Cabinet Office


The Cabinet Office is soliciting catchphrases for "Gender Equality Week" in XNUMX.

To realize a society where young people, who will live in the future, can eliminate their unconscious preconceptions, broadly believe in their own potential, be positive, respect their individuality and diversity, and feel a sense of purpose in life. We are looking for a catchphrase for

1 応募資格:ユース世代(15~20歳)(平成14年(2002年)4月4日から平成20年(2008年)4月4日生)であればどなたでも応募できます。 *未発表の自作のものに限る

2 Application period: From Tuesday, January 4, 1 to Friday, February 11, 2
3 How to apply: Please enter the required information in the application form and apply.You can apply for as many works as you like!
For further information, please read here. Poster(Link to the Cabinet Office HP) A new window will open.