[Delivery class] We held a class on "2nd! Isoyake" at Kesennuma Municipal Otani Junior High School.
2020/ 7/ 15
On July XNUMX, XNUMX (Tuesday), visiting researcher Hiroshi Yamakawa from our university delivered a visiting class to XNUMX second-year students from Kesennuma Otani Junior High School.
In this class, we looked back on the previous session on June 6, 19, for the XNUMXnd and XNUMXrd graders of Otani Junior High School, "Isoyake in Miyagi Prefecture and its countermeasures," and answered various questions from the students. .
They were divided into 4 teams of about 5 or 6 people, and asked questions about issues and doubts in advancing specific research activities in the future.
The issues and questions put together by each group included not only ocean currents and weather, but also climate change, seaweed farming, shellfish poison plankton, and attracting marine tourism.
From students
“The relationship between shellfish poison plankton and isoyake, which has become a problem in recent years”
"How does the flow of ocean currents change due to changes in weather and weather?"
“I want to attract tourists to the Oya area. Before the earthquake, I learned that there were sunfish in the aquarium that was set up in Oya Station, so I am thinking about keeping sunfish and shellfish together.what do you need?Also, are there any animals that should not be kept in the same tank? ”
Various questions were raised, such as "Is it possible to cultivate seaweed on land, and what is necessary?"
At the Sanriku Satellite, we plan to continue to support Otani Junior High School's research activities related to "isoyake" together with Mr. Yamakawa.
State of class