[Delivery class] We held a class on "isoyake" at Kesennuma Municipal Otani Junior High School.
2020/ 6/ 22
On June XNUMX, XNUMX (Friday), visiting researcher Hiroshi Yamakawa of our university will deliver a lecture on the theme of "Isoyake in Miyagi Prefecture and its countermeasures" for XNUMX second and third graders of Oya Junior High School in Kesennuma City. It was conducted.
This class was planned as part of the "Integrated Study Time" class at Otani Junior High School, which is engaged in marine education. The purpose is to deepen and think about initiatives to solve problems.
In the class, Professor Yamakawa first talked about phenomena that have become a problem on coasts in various parts of Japan, such as barren conditions due to the decrease in many seaweeds and changes in the habitats of fish and shellfish due to global warming.In addition, sea urchin feeding damage, which is said to be the cause of isoyake, and measures against "isoyake" that are being tackled in various parts of Japan, include a wide range of methods, such as how to create underwater afforestation using fences and livestock methods that make effective use of sea urchins. Thank you for your talk.
From students
"What do you need if you want to farm sea urchins?"
Various questions were asked, such as, "If global warming continues at its current rate, what changes in the oceans are likely to occur, and what countermeasures can be taken?"
At the Sanriku Satellite, we plan to continue to support Otani Junior High School's research activities related to "isoyake" together with Mr. Yamakawa.
State of class