Moored Training Ship Meiji Maru: Taisho Period
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010 Meiji Maru (2)
013 Sailing drill (2)
012 Astronomical Survey (2)
011 Deck washing (2)
M_015 Meiji Maru and school building (6)
032 Meiji Maruman boat decoration (6)
037 Sailing drill (6)
033 Meiji Maru lower mast dismantling (6)
036 How to unload a boat (6)
034 Deck washing (6)
038 Knot practice (6)
035 Sailing (6)
029 Astronomical Survey (6)
076 Damage caused by a typhoon (6)
086 The Meiji Maru was destroyed by a typhoon (6)
087 The Meiji Maru was destroyed by a typhoon (6)
094 Panoramic photo of the Taisei Maru calling at Honolulu (8)
003 Meiji Maru and school building (10)
095 The Meiji Maru seen from the Meteorological Observatory (10)
004 Sailing drill (10)
005 How to unload a boat (10)
006 Sailing (10)
007 Deck washing (10)
096 Merchant Marine School after the Great Kanto Earthquake (12)
097 Merchant Marine School after the Great Kanto Earthquake (12)
106 Merchant Marine School after the Great Kanto Earthquake (12)
092 Meiji Maru after the Great Kanto Earthquake (12)
082 Temporary school building after the Great Kanto Earthquake (12)
083 The front gate of the Barrack School (12)