- Q: What is your current research topic?
?Development of a sea urchin removal robot system*1
We are working on applying the deep-sea robot technology we have been researching to the fisheries industry, particularly to sea urchin removal robots. From FY30 to FY2, we received funding from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries' Advanced Technology Development Project for the Regeneration of Food-Producing Regions, "Demonstration Research on the Efficient Removal and Effective Use of Abnormal Sea Urchin Outbreaks," and developed an ROV for automatic recognition of sea urchins using AI technology and for removing sea urchins. This is a field demonstration test and development aimed at implementing advanced technology in the field, focusing on the issues faced on-site.
*1This research was carried out by the Consortium for the Restoration of Rich Sea Urchin and Seaweed Beds with support from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries' "Advanced Technology Deployment Project for the Regeneration of Food-Producing Regions" (FY30-FY2: Miyagi Prefecture, Fisheries Sector).
?Small unmanned vessel control and sea urchin density survey system※2
With the development of the sea urchin removal robot system, there was an urgent need to automate coastal marine survey systems, so we conducted research as part of a Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism demonstration project called "Studying efficient removal methods based on sea urchin density maps using small ASVs." We are creating a system to survey the ocean surface and ocean floor using a small boat the size of a surfboard, which is not considered a vessel under maritime law. We are currently conducting research to take photos from the ocean surface downwards with an underwater camera, and to create sea urchin density maps (contours) and orthophotos.
*3This research was conducted in collaboration with Marine Work Japan Co., Ltd. with the support of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's "Demonstration Project on Utilization of Next-Generation Maritime Mobility" (FYXNUMX).
-Nonlinear control and nonlinear synchronization
This is my true field of expertise, and sliding mode control, a type of nonlinear control, has been my research topic ever since I was a graduate student at this university. Nonlinear control is particularly advantageous when controlling systems with many disturbances, such as ships and marine robots that are affected by waves. Nonlinear synchronization is a type of firefly-like movement in which controllers, although independent of each other, eventually become unified, and it can also occur between controllers. In both cases, we first create mathematical models and verify them through simulations before applying them to real systems. - Q: What is interesting and rewarding about your research?
The rewarding part of my job is conducting research with university research administrators (URA), students, local government offices, fisheries cooperatives, and private companies, with the aim of implementing the technology in society. Specifically, I am collaborating with Shizugawa Fisheries Cooperative Association of Minamisanriku Town, Nagai Fisheries Cooperative Association of Yokosuka City, and various local governments in Miyagi Prefecture. Although it has not yet been put into practical use, I believe that mechanization and automation are important, given the aging and declining workforce in the marine industry.
The greatest joy is when I can implement the control algorithms and control systems (electronic control circuits) that I came up with on a robot and obtain stable movement. As an engineer, control engineering emphasizes the proper connection between mathematics and actual things, so I always keep this in mind when conducting research. - Q: What are some of the challenges of research?
We absolutely must finish the robot before the sea trials. We must make a proper plan and execute it according to the plan while keeping an eye on the completion of the robot, otherwise it may not be completed at all by the day before. We make a plan based on a proper outlook and share it with the students. Travel, transportation, and sea trials can be unpredictable due to the weather, and experiments require physical and mental strength, so it is a relief when the sea trials are over.
- Q: What kind of social impact can you expect from your research?
Please tell me about short-term (1-2 years from now) and long-term (up to 10 years from now) plans.
Short term
Sea urchin removal ROV system and small autonomous unmanned vessel
We are currently transferring the AI ??and ASV system technology to a research company to create density maps for sea urchin removal. The robot development is almost complete, so we think it will be operational by research companies and fishing cooperatives in a few years.
Nonlinear synchronization and swarm control
We plan to move on to research into technology for controlling ASVs and marine robots in swarms, aiming to create a system that can survey large areas using multiple robots without human intervention.
Latest Topics
The sea urchin removal ROV (bottom organism collection robot) has been patented. The AI ??and ASV system for creating density maps for sea urchin removal have been transferred to the technology transfer.
Patent acquired: Aquatic bottom organism collection robot and aquatic bottom organism collection system
Application: Control method for an automatic watercraft for collecting mud - Q: To which SDGs can your research contribute?
- "Goal 14: Protect and sustainably use the oceans and seas."
- Q: What is the significance of conducting research at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology?
- When conducting marine robot testing, it is easy to get cooperation from the fisheries and shipbuilding industries by mentioning the university's name. The university aims to integrate marine engineering. There are experimental tanks and ponds, making it easy to conduct experiments.
- Q: What are your priorities and policies when conducting research?
- Never give up, never forget to make daily efforts, and be punctual. I teach students to visualize their goals and plans using tools such as mind maps. I also teach them the importance of obtaining grants and scholarships to become independent in their research.
- Professor Junichiro Tahara's OA paper is here
Position Control System Using Sliding Mode Control
Authors and co-authors: Yamato Kawamura, Junichiro Tahara, Tetsu Kato, Shun Fujii, Shoichiro Baba, Masakazu Koike
Journal: Sensors and Materials, Vol. 33, No. 3 (2021) 883–895 Publication date: March 2021
DOI: 10.18494/SAM.2021.3216
Paper title: Invention of automatic movement and dynamic positioning control method of unmanned surface vehicle for core sampling
Authors and co-authors: Shun Fujii, Tetsu Kato, Yamato Kawamura, Junichiro Tahara, Shoichiro Baba, Yukihisa Sanada
Published in: Artificial Life and Robotics (2021) 26:503–512
Publication date: November 2021
DOI: 10.1007/s10015-021-00695-x
Paper title: Development of a measurement system for gas-autonomous surface vehicle to map marine obstacles using stereo depth and LiDAR cameras
Authors and co-authors: Kenneth Gideon, Morito Makoto, Fujii Shun, Ono Sotaro, Fromager Julie, Sato Yu, Yoshimura Kouki, Tahara Junichiro
Published in: Artificial Life and Robotics (2022) 27:842-854
Publication date: November 2022
DOI: 10.1007/s10015-022-00796-1
*Fishing applications
Paper title: Sea urchin survey system in coastal areas using a μ-ASV
Authors and co-authors: Makoto Morito, Junichiro Tahara, Kouki Yoshimura, Hiroshi Matsunaga & Kenichiro Sato
Published in: Artificial Life and Robotics (2024), Vol.29, No.1, 145-154
Publication date: November 2024
DOI: doi.org/10.1007/s10015-023-00910-x